I remember when the 3G iPhone came out last year. It was relatively easy to jailbreak, however, there were timing issues and you had to do things just so...well, this time around on the 3GS...it's sooo much easier thanks to redsn0w!
Here's the way!!!
Download redsn0w HERE
Then Download BOTH the 3.0 and 3.0.1 software (click on numbers)
Extract redn0w to your desktop.
plug in your phone (once the 3.0 and 3.0.1 download...anywhere from 5min to an hour depending on your PC speed)
run redsn0w.
Follow the darn prompts to a "T"....MUST FOLLOW THEM RIGHT!!!
Took about 15 min MAX for my phone to jailbreak!
(((And then the phone new I got cocky and went black on me...it's ok! If this happens plug it into iTunes...hold down power and home key until the 'plug into iTunes' symbol shows and restore...and start all over)))
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My Family
Everyone needs a basic outline of who they are reading about, or so I think. I know I'm not the smartest gal in the room, but I know that it's polite to introduce people that you are talking about, so I am going to give my readers a bit of an introduction...this way they dont have to look through all my ramblings to figure out who is who.
This is Alex...my wonderful momma's boy!
My two amazingly well behaved children! Michaela and Alexander
The cheesey hubby on his 33rd birthday and the two cheesey children
Michaela and our great dog, Metro
Another Shot of the three cheese-heads
The ever vigilent (yet annoying) guard cat, Caviar
And my spoiled feline- Brian.
Christian Misconceptions Vs Homosexual Rights in the United States
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility... secure the Blessings of Liberty…do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” (ushistory.org) Should one be reading this today, the proper continuation would be as follows: “As long as everyone who seeks to benefit from the Union is a stringent Christian and is willing to succumb to Christian law masked as Federal and State law”. The United States was created as a place for the pilgrims to have a refuge, a place where they could worship God in their way without the Anglican Church dictating how they were to worship (ushistory.org). The United States was created so that individuals could have their own freedoms to worship as they saw fit, however, our founding fathers and the initial pilgrims had an underlying clause that is still evident today: We will say there is religious freedom, however, in order for people to be here and, “insure domestic Tranquility...promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty...” they must worship the same exact way that we do. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”(ushistory.org) This great sentence is another that comes with an unspoken quantifier, and should be properly read as such: “We hold these truths to be subversive; all men are only created equal if they believe in the majority religion, Christianity. Only true Christians are endowed with unalienable rights, and only those born or converted to the correct spiritual belief will be bestowed with Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Christian misconceptions regarding Biblical rules and definitions discussing marriage and homosexuality has lead them on a dangerous crusade, taking us back over 60 years and is fueling a highly debated equal rights movement regarding homosexuals. The Christian misconception of their own archaic Biblical laws is having, and will continue to have, a huge debilitating impact on American society until the Federal Government realizes that it is going against its own “separation of church and state” clauses which can be found in both the constitution and in the bill of rights. Not allowing homosexuals to marry and creating a federal law defining the words marriage and spouse as one man and one woman is purely religious in basis and is allowing the church to rule the government and create laws directly against our country’s foundational beliefs.
Catholics and Christians base their marriage beliefs on approximately 825 verses in both the Old and New books of the Bible. Vaughn Roste, a Canadian reporter and child of two Lutheran pastors, has found that of the 825 verses discussing marriage, there are 12 categories that these verses can be separated into. These categories are: 1.Marriage is one man and one woman, 2. Acceptance of concubines, 3. Choosing any woman, 4. Non-Virgins shall be stoned, 5. Rapists must marry victims, 6. If no heirs, brothers must marry the wife, 7. Women must let fathers choose spouse, 8. Women are father’s and then husband’s property, 9. A woman’s value equals seven years of work, 10. Inter-faith marriages are prohibited, 11. Divorce is forbidden, and finally, 12. It’s best to never get married. Of these twelve categories, not a single one discusses the sanctity as ordained by God, nor do any of the twelve categories talk about marriage being limited between one man and one woman. As Roste puts it, “The Bible teaches that marriage is a covenantal union of one man to as many women as he might want and can afford.”
The Catholic Church promotes these misconceptions by indoctrinating all who are members of their church to their religious ideology through mandated cataclysm instruction. The Cataclysm explains that, “[speaking of homosexuality] It’s psychological genesis remains largely unexplained… which presents homosexual acts as grave depravity, tradition has always declared that, ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered’…under no circumstances can they be approved” (catholic website) This same cataclysm goes on to hypocritically explain that, “They [homosexuals] must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.”
In a twelve page document released by the Vatican on July, 31, 2003, signed by Pope John Paul II the Vatican clearly states:
”… civil law cannot contradict right reason without losing its binding force on conscience…Every humanly-created law is legitimate insofar as it is consistent with the natural moral law, recognized by right reason, and insofar as it respects the inalienable rights of every person.…Laws in favour of homosexual unions are contrary to right reason because they confer legal guarantees, analogous to those granted to marriage, to unions between persons of the same sex. Given the values at stake in this question, the State could not grant legal standing to such unions without failing in its duty to promote and defend marriage as an institution essential to the common good.”
This letter states that all man-made laws are good, as long as it follows moral rights, and respects the rights of every person, with the underlying clause being every heterosexual person. The Church goes on to claim sole moral knowledge in regard to sexual orientation and thereby charges the removal of the homosexual right to marriage based on their religiously-created morals. The Church continues on to state that marriage between man and woman needs to be maintained for the common good, however, ignoring the fact that the common good is applied to all humans regardless of sexual orientation. The Catholic Church goes on to condemn Catholic politicians who vote in favor of secular laws that are directly forbidden by the Catholic Church. Politicians who are voting in such a manner on laws are expressly flouting the rights of all citizens in the United States, and instead going against the constitution created so that this country might represent freedom and equality for all of its citizens.
Focus on the Family is a self proclaimed Christian family group whose mission statement tells Christians that they, “… have a responsibility to promote truth and social policy that improves the strength and health of the family, as God designed.” Focus on the Family uses Genesis 2:24 to explain why women were made to be married to man, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (new international version) On the website for Focus on the Family, a reader can find a long series of “webinars” regarding marriage and the sanctity of such, all in an attempt to indoctrinate all Christians to vote against homosexual equality with the sole basis being their religion.
James Dobson, the President of Focus on the Family, is quoted saying, “I really believe that Christian oppression is just around the corner. I really believe that the level of anger arising out of the homosexual community primarily, but the whole humanistic movement that's out there... as they gain political power — and they got it now — they're going to continue to oppress us.” Mr. Dobson doesn’t seem to realize that this isn’t about Christian oppression, the movement for equality is mirroring that of the African-American community- it is a desperate struggle for equality; an attempt to wriggle out from under the political control of Christians and gain their equality. Mr. Dobson also states that the “Humanistic Movement” is out to get Christians and to oppress them. The Humanistic Movement aims to create, “A society in which human rights are completely realized: the right to health, education, freedom, spirituality, search for the meaning of life, and an existence with dignity.” (humanisticmovement.com) This movement’s mission statement seems to elaborate on the beliefs
Both churches continue to define marriage as not only between man and woman, but also as an institution that was legalized for the sole purpose of bringing children into this world, “There is no reason, though, to extend ‘marriage’ to same-sex couples, which are of a structural type (two men or two women) that is incapable—ever…of producing babies naturally. In fact, they are incapable of even engaging in the type of sexual act that results in natural reproduction.” (http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IF03H01&f=PG03I03) Both Churches have made it their right to be able to influence politicians and force votes for Federal and State law by butting their noses into the private bedrooms of couples across America! Both Churches go so far as to state that even though a man and a woman might want to marry, but not have children, perhaps their birth control will fail and they will get pregnant; that’s a rather presumptuous belief to have.
The Defense of Marriage Act was signed into effect by President Bill Clinton in September of 2006 and it states, “…the word ‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as a husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or wife.” Catholics and Christians were backed by a Southern Baptist President whose own church states on their national website, “We affirm God's plan for marriage and sexual intimacy – one man, and one woman, for life. Homosexuality is not a "valid alternative lifestyle." The Bible condemns it as sin.” Despite the difficulty in changing the Constitution, President Clinton, with the church’s backing, did just that- changed the constitution to exclude some of its own citizens that it was aimed to protect.
It is not surprising that American citizens would want to exclude some of their fellow Americans from federal and state rights since a poll conducted by ABC news in July of 2001 identified eighty-three percent of the population as Christians. Because the term “Christian” is such a large umbrella and can hold so many denominations, ABC news separated the term into smaller groupings, “53 percent of Americans are Protestants, 22 percent Catholics and 8 percent other Christians, such as Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses.” With eighty-three percent of the population having their political values ingrained into them by their church and affiliated church groups, it stands as no surprise that Christians throughout the country are aiming to limit the constitutional rights of fellow Americans using a book that was written by several different human authors, each of which claimed that God spoke to him. It was this same God that caused the division between the Pilgrims and the other Anglican believers in England. It was this same God, the belief in him and the desire to have the freedom to worship him that spurred the creation of this country. It was the belief in this same God which lead to the idea that, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It is also this same God that has lead to American Citizens being given the “separate but equal” treatment by the federal and state government.
Christian groups are using their religious beliefs to influence the voters in America to minimize the equality that homosexuals in this country have. Christian leaders are preaching to American citizens that homosexuals are evil and that they are forcing their agenda down the throats of innocent Americans in an attempt to demonize human beings whose views are different than Christians. Using Randall Terry as an outspoken leader for Christian groups, Christians have gotten this message out, “If the militant homosexuals succeed in their accursed agenda, God will curse and judge our nation... 'mainstream' unspeakable acts of evil... Their cries for tolerance are really a demand for our surrender. They want us to surrender our values, our love for God's law, our faith, our families, and the entire nation to their abhorrent agenda.” (mission statement from http://www.pfaw.org)
Homosexuals are not leading a mission to flout religion; they are not leading a mission to bring God’s wrath down on America. Homosexuals are seeking their freedom to marry; they are seeking their freedom to have the same rights as heterosexuals in a supposed secular country. Homosexuals are seeking their rights as human beings in a country that was founded the belief that all humans were created equal. People such as the Pope, James Dobson and Randal Terry are dehumanizing homosexuals and painting them as sinners and evil; they are not sinners, they are not evil, they are human beings seeking the same equality that everyone else in this country has. Christians as a whole are using their religious dogma to control the rest of the country and to make rules that they think their God would like this county to have.
The Christian-Catholic-Jewish-Muslim God does not have the right to vote in this country. The only rights and privileges reserved in this country are for the residents of this country. In Amendment 15 of the US Constitution it is stated that color does not bar someone from voting; Amendment 19 says that sex shall not limit voting rights; Amendment 26 limits the voting age to 18 at a minimum, nowhere in the constitution does it say that the Christian God has a right to vote and influence laws made for the people of the United States. It is the misconception of archaic laws and the methods of indoctrination by religious leaders that has twisted the minds of Christian Americans into denying their American brothers and sisters the rights as every other heterosexual in America.
Christian misconceptions regarding Biblical rules and definitions discussing marriage and homosexuality has lead them on a dangerous crusade, taking us back over 60 years and is fueling a highly debated equal rights movement regarding homosexuals. The Christian misconception of their own archaic Biblical laws is having, and will continue to have, a huge debilitating impact on American society until the Federal Government realizes that it is going against its own “separation of church and state” clauses which can be found in both the constitution and in the bill of rights. Not allowing homosexuals to marry and creating a federal law defining the words marriage and spouse as one man and one woman is purely religious in basis and is allowing the church to rule the government and create laws directly against our country’s foundational beliefs.
Catholics and Christians base their marriage beliefs on approximately 825 verses in both the Old and New books of the Bible. Vaughn Roste, a Canadian reporter and child of two Lutheran pastors, has found that of the 825 verses discussing marriage, there are 12 categories that these verses can be separated into. These categories are: 1.Marriage is one man and one woman, 2. Acceptance of concubines, 3. Choosing any woman, 4. Non-Virgins shall be stoned, 5. Rapists must marry victims, 6. If no heirs, brothers must marry the wife, 7. Women must let fathers choose spouse, 8. Women are father’s and then husband’s property, 9. A woman’s value equals seven years of work, 10. Inter-faith marriages are prohibited, 11. Divorce is forbidden, and finally, 12. It’s best to never get married. Of these twelve categories, not a single one discusses the sanctity as ordained by God, nor do any of the twelve categories talk about marriage being limited between one man and one woman. As Roste puts it, “The Bible teaches that marriage is a covenantal union of one man to as many women as he might want and can afford.”
The Catholic Church promotes these misconceptions by indoctrinating all who are members of their church to their religious ideology through mandated cataclysm instruction. The Cataclysm explains that, “[speaking of homosexuality] It’s psychological genesis remains largely unexplained… which presents homosexual acts as grave depravity, tradition has always declared that, ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered’…under no circumstances can they be approved” (catholic website) This same cataclysm goes on to hypocritically explain that, “They [homosexuals] must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.”
In a twelve page document released by the Vatican on July, 31, 2003, signed by Pope John Paul II the Vatican clearly states:
”… civil law cannot contradict right reason without losing its binding force on conscience…Every humanly-created law is legitimate insofar as it is consistent with the natural moral law, recognized by right reason, and insofar as it respects the inalienable rights of every person.…Laws in favour of homosexual unions are contrary to right reason because they confer legal guarantees, analogous to those granted to marriage, to unions between persons of the same sex. Given the values at stake in this question, the State could not grant legal standing to such unions without failing in its duty to promote and defend marriage as an institution essential to the common good.”
This letter states that all man-made laws are good, as long as it follows moral rights, and respects the rights of every person, with the underlying clause being every heterosexual person. The Church goes on to claim sole moral knowledge in regard to sexual orientation and thereby charges the removal of the homosexual right to marriage based on their religiously-created morals. The Church continues on to state that marriage between man and woman needs to be maintained for the common good, however, ignoring the fact that the common good is applied to all humans regardless of sexual orientation. The Catholic Church goes on to condemn Catholic politicians who vote in favor of secular laws that are directly forbidden by the Catholic Church. Politicians who are voting in such a manner on laws are expressly flouting the rights of all citizens in the United States, and instead going against the constitution created so that this country might represent freedom and equality for all of its citizens.
Focus on the Family is a self proclaimed Christian family group whose mission statement tells Christians that they, “… have a responsibility to promote truth and social policy that improves the strength and health of the family, as God designed.” Focus on the Family uses Genesis 2:24 to explain why women were made to be married to man, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (new international version) On the website for Focus on the Family, a reader can find a long series of “webinars” regarding marriage and the sanctity of such, all in an attempt to indoctrinate all Christians to vote against homosexual equality with the sole basis being their religion.
James Dobson, the President of Focus on the Family, is quoted saying, “I really believe that Christian oppression is just around the corner. I really believe that the level of anger arising out of the homosexual community primarily, but the whole humanistic movement that's out there... as they gain political power — and they got it now — they're going to continue to oppress us.” Mr. Dobson doesn’t seem to realize that this isn’t about Christian oppression, the movement for equality is mirroring that of the African-American community- it is a desperate struggle for equality; an attempt to wriggle out from under the political control of Christians and gain their equality. Mr. Dobson also states that the “Humanistic Movement” is out to get Christians and to oppress them. The Humanistic Movement aims to create, “A society in which human rights are completely realized: the right to health, education, freedom, spirituality, search for the meaning of life, and an existence with dignity.” (humanisticmovement.com) This movement’s mission statement seems to elaborate on the beliefs
Both churches continue to define marriage as not only between man and woman, but also as an institution that was legalized for the sole purpose of bringing children into this world, “There is no reason, though, to extend ‘marriage’ to same-sex couples, which are of a structural type (two men or two women) that is incapable—ever…of producing babies naturally. In fact, they are incapable of even engaging in the type of sexual act that results in natural reproduction.” (http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IF03H01&f=PG03I03) Both Churches have made it their right to be able to influence politicians and force votes for Federal and State law by butting their noses into the private bedrooms of couples across America! Both Churches go so far as to state that even though a man and a woman might want to marry, but not have children, perhaps their birth control will fail and they will get pregnant; that’s a rather presumptuous belief to have.
The Defense of Marriage Act was signed into effect by President Bill Clinton in September of 2006 and it states, “…the word ‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as a husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or wife.” Catholics and Christians were backed by a Southern Baptist President whose own church states on their national website, “We affirm God's plan for marriage and sexual intimacy – one man, and one woman, for life. Homosexuality is not a "valid alternative lifestyle." The Bible condemns it as sin.” Despite the difficulty in changing the Constitution, President Clinton, with the church’s backing, did just that- changed the constitution to exclude some of its own citizens that it was aimed to protect.
It is not surprising that American citizens would want to exclude some of their fellow Americans from federal and state rights since a poll conducted by ABC news in July of 2001 identified eighty-three percent of the population as Christians. Because the term “Christian” is such a large umbrella and can hold so many denominations, ABC news separated the term into smaller groupings, “53 percent of Americans are Protestants, 22 percent Catholics and 8 percent other Christians, such as Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses.” With eighty-three percent of the population having their political values ingrained into them by their church and affiliated church groups, it stands as no surprise that Christians throughout the country are aiming to limit the constitutional rights of fellow Americans using a book that was written by several different human authors, each of which claimed that God spoke to him. It was this same God that caused the division between the Pilgrims and the other Anglican believers in England. It was this same God, the belief in him and the desire to have the freedom to worship him that spurred the creation of this country. It was the belief in this same God which lead to the idea that, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It is also this same God that has lead to American Citizens being given the “separate but equal” treatment by the federal and state government.
Christian groups are using their religious beliefs to influence the voters in America to minimize the equality that homosexuals in this country have. Christian leaders are preaching to American citizens that homosexuals are evil and that they are forcing their agenda down the throats of innocent Americans in an attempt to demonize human beings whose views are different than Christians. Using Randall Terry as an outspoken leader for Christian groups, Christians have gotten this message out, “If the militant homosexuals succeed in their accursed agenda, God will curse and judge our nation... 'mainstream' unspeakable acts of evil... Their cries for tolerance are really a demand for our surrender. They want us to surrender our values, our love for God's law, our faith, our families, and the entire nation to their abhorrent agenda.” (mission statement from http://www.pfaw.org)
Homosexuals are not leading a mission to flout religion; they are not leading a mission to bring God’s wrath down on America. Homosexuals are seeking their freedom to marry; they are seeking their freedom to have the same rights as heterosexuals in a supposed secular country. Homosexuals are seeking their rights as human beings in a country that was founded the belief that all humans were created equal. People such as the Pope, James Dobson and Randal Terry are dehumanizing homosexuals and painting them as sinners and evil; they are not sinners, they are not evil, they are human beings seeking the same equality that everyone else in this country has. Christians as a whole are using their religious dogma to control the rest of the country and to make rules that they think their God would like this county to have.
The Christian-Catholic-Jewish-Muslim God does not have the right to vote in this country. The only rights and privileges reserved in this country are for the residents of this country. In Amendment 15 of the US Constitution it is stated that color does not bar someone from voting; Amendment 19 says that sex shall not limit voting rights; Amendment 26 limits the voting age to 18 at a minimum, nowhere in the constitution does it say that the Christian God has a right to vote and influence laws made for the people of the United States. It is the misconception of archaic laws and the methods of indoctrination by religious leaders that has twisted the minds of Christian Americans into denying their American brothers and sisters the rights as every other heterosexual in America.
About Me
My name is Sasha Ricci. I am a super busy mom of two kids, one dog and two cats! I have a great husband (the best ever I think!) who works his tail end off for me to go to school and hang out with my kiddos!
I'm quirky. We'll start with that! I was raised Presbyterian, but through the years have come to realize that any deity based religion is judgmental and critical. I have also come to the realization that relying on someone else to make your life better, just isn't worth it. There are ways to do this YOURSELF. I have also come to understand that there are MANY different cultures and belief systems...and they all come down to the same few rules, which are all intertwined! I believe that there is ONE end goal--I dont profess to know the end goal and where we end up--and all religions will get everyone to the same place...there are just a ton of religions because no one thinks alike so they are geared for everyone to find their way. Point being---I am finding my way through Zen Buddhism. There is so much to learn but I love the philosophy!
My kids are kids. What else can I say? LOL! They are the light of my life and they are such a joy to have! They are growing so fast and I love it! They crack me up, they make me wanna cry sometimes and they are the most loving children I know!
My husband is my best friend. I can't imagine being with anyone else! He is just like me, but my polar opposite at the same time! I learn so much from him and I laugh like I have never laughed before!
iPhone App Reviews
I know...everyone is doing it...well, so am I! As I go I will add my own reviews of apps that I like or don't like and why. I'll try to be more objective than some of the reviews on the appstore too!
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