Today is the last final for my first term at WCU!! I'm so excited! I have found my groove and I am on my way to becoming a nurse. Here is a list of what I've learned in the last 10 weeks
-your children can be great study tools, teach them and you will learn yourself
-it's ok to be the draconian leader of your study group
-it takes a lot of work to learn new concepts
-non-pc stories are ok to use for examples as long as you rememer the story
-unfortuneately if on system in your body gets a glich, you can die
-learning about all the extremes in body mechanisms makes you a more paranoid mom, sometimes there is such a thing as too much info!
This has been a great term and I am so thankful for the great friends I've made and I really hope that we remain friends!

Here's my baby ready for his first feild trip!
-thoughts of the busy momma