Friday, May 17, 2013

Full Circle

Its all come full circle. I have my dream job, currently a mere 3 miles from my home (get this, hitting EVERY red light means that it only takes me 10 MINUTES to get to work!); my children are excelling at their sports; my husband is still golden at his job; my animals are for the most part healthy (old, but healthy); and we just put a deposit on a HOUSE! Granted, we are just renting, but my poor children have been in apartments their whole lives and now, they will have a house! A pool, basketball courts, tennis courts, a YARD and THEIR OWN ROOMS! Life has come full circle.

People have tried to tear me down, family has tried to tear me down, but it didn't work. I graduated with honors, I got hired in TWO specialties, my children have come through it all mostly in tact (thanks to therapy, early and intense there were no real scars, at least not now) and my marriage remained strong and whole and healthy.

I can't believe it. I really can't. I am starting grad school (which I need to take a little more seriously) and I have my dream job. I have the next 5 days off from work and I'm dying...I want to go back, can you believe that? Itching to go to work? Is it really "work" if you want to be there? Whatever, it's a paycheck that I get for doing what I love!

This is it, life is moving forward and we are floating with the current instead of struggling to stay afloat. We are all on the raft and loving the direction we are going in!