We were on the 10 Friday and this is what we saw! Such a great idea! I really hope he's marketing himself right, cause its a wonderful idea!
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Sunday, April 19, 2009
Rent a husband!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sugar daddy update!!!
I'm rooting for "no name" since he appears to be younger (40-45) and way better looking for his age!
You go "no name"!!!! Spend that cash! Maybe she'll put you in her book too!!!
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Someone looking for a sugar daddy?
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Honking fiasco!
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Monday, April 13, 2009
Typical LA traffic
I think there's a center divider magnet, because a few hours before there was a highspeed chase on the 5 (I think) and that driver crashed into the center divider too!
So, the lesson? Don't drive close to the center divider! LOL
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Are you for real?
So- my verdict? This is not a cool car and they are rather dumb for having bought it. I'd be embarassed as all hell to drive something like that.
Come talk to me later when they start selling the chargers though, that might be a different story. A crown vic? Not worth the time.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
again, trying cellspin **edit**
**EDIT** Cell spin still sucks. The verdict is in. Trying to email a pic to have it posted on my blog is a pain. So for now, until blogger has it's own easy to use app I will continue to email my blog posts. There doesn't seem to be a problem with it and so far it's the fastest way to blog.
More Easter Pics
I hope you all had a great day, whether it was with family and doing the whole "misery loves company" thing or just hanging by yourself!
Happy Easter!!!!
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Top 10 faves
9. Folding laundry (I get in a groove)
8. Sunflower seeds. They bloat me really bad but they taste so good!
7. Driving. Sometimes its just fun!
6. Getting to sit and read!
5. Shopping!
4. The way you feel just out of the shower!
3. Cuddling with my family
2. Waking up with my husbands arms around me!
1. Hugging my family close!
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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
The girl needless to say is bored out of her darn mind!!!!
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Guess they didn't know....
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And....it's friday!
We made it through another week folks! Tell me that isn't the best news ever! Hopefully everyone had a great week! I know I did---going to the gym, heading to starbucks, tanning, hanging out with some awesome friends. Now we have the weekend. How nice is that?
What are your plans for tomorrow? Mine? Take the girl to my moms, go hang out for girls night with J-lady, hang out with my kids. I am praying it's nice and sunny so we can go to the beach! I've been wanting to go since last weekend, but just haven't made it yet....so hopefully I will make it this weekend or at least this coming week. There is no school so I should make it without worries!
What about today? Are you just toiling through work? Today is the tax man (I'm scared) and tanning, dinner and having J-ladys sidekick come and play with my children. LOL.
Have a great one folks!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
UGH....another day down!
And then it's spring break! I wanted to go to the beach last weekend but I never made it...and of course it's been too cold every day this week to even TRY...so hopefully come spring break I can get my hiney to the beach! Time to flaunt what I got!
This has been a good week so far. Connected with a TON of friends that I otherwise haven't talked to in a heck of a long time.
Made a new friend, who I hope will remain friends with me for a long time....she's one of those that you just don't let go. That, and she promised to let me know if I ever get a case of bad muffin tops! LOL!
Kids are growing up and being kids---A man starts karate in two weeks and he can't wait! The girl starts a clay class after Easter break and has her field trip (her class won it) once they get back from spring break..I get one week of rest and then I guess I have to be ready to hit the ground running!
Today is April fools day! Did you get anyone? J lady and I got the hubby really well! We had him totally believing that J was pregnant again (and you gotta know her to know that she would NEVER have another baby! She is thrilled with her side kick right now and they are a great team!).....and hubby was buying it 100%....until we decided that he was being so sweet to her, we had to clue him in....ha ha ha. Man, we were called EVERY name under the sun! LOL!
Make sure you get your joke in...you have 4 hours and 21 min to do so!