Thursday, April 16, 2009

Honking fiasco!

So, I'm sitting here at starbucks reading the news when a honking fiasco breaks out! This poor old lady (ok, I'm not a proponent of very old people driving, but I have a grandma and would be pissed if anyone was honking at her or being mean while she was driving) was trying to make a left turn and others in oncoming traffic were trying to make a left (so they are facing eachother). This particular turn for people going west bound is a crazy left turn and really isn't safe....but this meat truck driver gets PISSED and is honking ridiculously and then proceeds to drive AGAINST traffic while holding his cell to his ear and make his left. It was ridiculous. Be patient, get off your darn phone and let the old lady make a SAFE left turn!!!! People bother me.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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