Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nap time--

My boogers. They are 5 and 6 and still need naps. Now, I'm not complaining at all, however I have tried to end naps since school started in the begining of September. The girl doesn't really need them, but I think they are a luxury she loves and is trying to cling to. The boy on the other hand desperately needs them!!! Here he is at 8:45 pm knocked out!

The girl and her friend are watching Coraline in her room (trying to blast the volume so they can stay awake) and the plan was that the boy and I were gonna watch Hulk- a plan that lasted for maybe 20 minutes before he knocked out. I love when he and I can cuddle, even when he's asleep for it.

Today was a piddle day. We were supposed to have someone visit, however despite all their shit storming, they didn't make sure their plans went through. No fault of mine- they didn't dot their "i's" or cross their "t's". Which meant I was able to stay home and clean and organize. Here's the new layout.

That last one is complete with little man knocked right out.

Time to settle the girls- they are being loud again.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's been a while again

I need to get better at posting to this thing. I was on a roll, but life has taken over!! The girl has soccer Tuesdays then both girl and boy have gymnastics on wednesday and the boy has karate on Thursday and then soccer games on Saturday!! We are busy!!! I've been managing to run at least 5 miles a day for the last week- the week before that was 4.5...I've been stepping up over the last month and I weighed in at the dr at 123lbs yesterday!!!!

Ok, this post is taking me hours to write!! We are now waiting at the park for Micks soccer to start!! Let's hope they win today!!

And ending with some comedy!!!

-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, September 18, 2009

Seems fitting

Holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burn.


**This quote was sent to you by a friend using the iPhone app Zen Daily. Click Here to download it.**

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So so much to catch up on!!!

I've been neglectful of my blog and I'm sorry! Here's the last few weeks in a nutshell! My dad was here visiting and we hung out and had fun...he bought the kids bikes which they LOVE and have been riding like maniacs! I have started running and loosing weight. I went from 135 lbs to 130 lbs. I went from a 29in waist to a 27 1/2 inch waist. I just finished another run this morning at 4.28 miles in 48 minutes. I am currently doing a 2/2 and 3/2 interval run (walk/run) and building up to being able to run straight. It's been a while since I've ran, so it's taking some building but in 3 weeks I've gone from running on a treadmill for 30 minutes to running good distance on the road in great time!

Mick has been doing Soccer and had her first game ever Saturday. She did great! I am so proud of her and I will post a slide show for that in a bit. Alex is still in karate and gymnastics (as is Mick) we have BUSY weeks. The kids started school last week and I now have time to run and clean and all that jazz.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mugshot Hall Of Fame Shame


This makes us sick!

Klingon look-alike Robie Lynn Jenkins and her boyfriend, Tremayne Spillman, are facing felony abuse charges after their pitbull chewed off the toes of their 4-month old son.


The North Carolina couple claim that they were taking care of the child on Monday during the attack.

The follicly challenged, mother-of-the year was taking medication and allegedly did not the hear the baby's cries, despite sleeping in the same room.

Apparently, they only discovered the missing appendages when changing their son's diaper the next morning. The child may lose the rest of his foot.

So sad!

Sent from my iPhone with Pro RSS Reader

Hatemonger Sally Kern Faces Off Against Transgender Opponent!


The devil never sleeps!

Our favorite homophobic, redneck Oklahoma representative is back, but with any luck, her days are numbered.

Sally "Satan" Kern, who once claimed that "gays are infiltrating city councils" and "winning elections" will have quite the surprise come 2010.

Kern's potential opponent, Brittany Novotny, is not one of those pesky gay or lesbian folk, but - even better - transgender!

That'll do!

She began a private law practice in 2007 specializing in civil rights and employment law after graduating from University of California Hastings College of the Law in 2005. Not to mention, Novotny is legal adviser and vice chair of the women's caucus, a division of the Young Democrats of Oklahoma.

"I'm exploring a run," said the qualified candidate, who has not officially announced her political ambitions. "We're doing everything we can to run a credible campaign."

And for Kern, who stated that "[homosexuality] is the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam," we hope she has her ass handed to her by Novotny.

Bring on the Kernian downfall of America!

Sent from my iPhone with Pro RSS Reader

Sept 5th QOTD

"If you aren't afraid to fail, then you probably don't care enough
about success."

-Mark McCormack

I will admit, before I left my parents house- they had done something
that made me so afraid of success, that I was afraid to try all the
way. Now that I'm older and in a healthy functional relationship, I am
learning to crave success. I have a parter who is fully backing me!!!
No judging or mocking. Just encouragement. If I wanted to be a
professional dog walker he'd fully support me. Thanks to John, I'm
afrai of failure and driving hard toward success!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Selena Gomez Named The Youngest Ambassador For UNICEF


After being the spokesperson for their Trick-or-Treat campaign last October, Selena Gomez has now been officially appointed the youngest Ambassador for UNICEF!

What an honor!

Selenita says of her new charitable role:

"Every day 25,000 children die from preventable causes. I stand with UNICEF in the belief that we can change that number from 25,000 to zero. I know we can achieve this because every moment, UNICEF is on the ground providing children with the lifesaving assistance needed to ensure zero becomes a reality."

The Wizards of Waverly Place actress is heading off to Ghana this week on her first official field-mission as an Ambassador.

Caryl Stern, President and CEO of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, is happy with their choice, stating:

"We're very pleased to have Selena join the UNICEF family, as a long time supporter, she will continue to capture and engage and audience of millions of young people to help ensure the health, education, equality and protection of every child."

And this is why she is one of our absolute favorite Disney stars!

Good for you, bb!

You're a real pole role model!

[Image via WENN.]

Sent from my iPhone with Pro RSS Reader

Sept 4th QOTD

After 8 years in the military there are several people that I wish
understood this quote. They would have been better leaders and their
troops would have performed greatly.

"The most effective leader is the one who satisfies the psychological
needs of his followers."

-David Ogilvy

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sept 3rd QOTD

In theory this sounds great, however I have to disagree today.
Sometimes you need those miracle drugs to pull out of the pit.
However, If you think the medication won't work, then no matter how
great it is, it probably won't.

A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any
wonder drug.

-Patricia Neal

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sept 2nd QOTD

This one is definately a keeper! Goodness I wish more people would read this and remember it!!!

"Solve the problem yourself or accept a fate you may not like...from this perspective, the ethic of personal responsibility gains appeal."

-Noel M. Tichy

**This quote was sent to you by a friend using the iPhone app Zen Daily. Click Here to download it.**

Sept 2nd app review

Couch to 5k- a phenominal running app for the begining runner! I hate to run, cant stand it, however to loose weight I know I have to run...enter C-5k!!

This program runs voice instruction over whatever songs are playing on your phone. You set your iPod to play, start the program, lock the screen and get running!!!

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

QOTD Sep 1st

It's important that people should know what you stand for. It's equally important that they know what you won't stand for.

-Mary H. Waldrip

**This quote was sent to you by a friend using the iPhone app Zen Daily. Click Here to download it.**

An app a day- Sep 1st

So, now that I'm back in iPhone world I have 9 pages of apps. Guess I better start critiqing them, huh? Along with the near daily quotes I will also be doing "an app a day" where I talk about the apps on my phone.

Let me begin by sayig that my phone is jailbroken- because we all know that the best apps are in cydia!! A jailbroken phone is like a Ferrari with all the benefits and no traffic!

Todays app is phone zap.

Like Twitter there are a million and one morons on this thing, but for every moron there are a few good people. You take a pic an upload it to this app with a comment. You have the option to geo-tag it, add friends to follow, block the horny teens who post pics of their clevage and tiny little boy abbs. You can get this app for free from the App store, or you can get it from cydia. If you get it from
Cydia you can get their beta app which has the ability to make ringtones from your iPod songs- great option!

No matter where you get it from it's free! An awesome app for some good laughs even if you never post anything. If you wanna follow me, please do! My screen name is "itsnowornevr2".

-- Post From My iPhone