Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nap time--

My boogers. They are 5 and 6 and still need naps. Now, I'm not complaining at all, however I have tried to end naps since school started in the begining of September. The girl doesn't really need them, but I think they are a luxury she loves and is trying to cling to. The boy on the other hand desperately needs them!!! Here he is at 8:45 pm knocked out!

The girl and her friend are watching Coraline in her room (trying to blast the volume so they can stay awake) and the plan was that the boy and I were gonna watch Hulk- a plan that lasted for maybe 20 minutes before he knocked out. I love when he and I can cuddle, even when he's asleep for it.

Today was a piddle day. We were supposed to have someone visit, however despite all their shit storming, they didn't make sure their plans went through. No fault of mine- they didn't dot their "i's" or cross their "t's". Which meant I was able to stay home and clean and organize. Here's the new layout.

That last one is complete with little man knocked right out.

Time to settle the girls- they are being loud again.

-- Posted from my iPhone

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