Monday, March 8, 2010

Huge problem with this article,0,4323030.story

Problem #1- they are encouraging already very low income women to not have abortions because "god" says it's evil and he will be displeased. Did "god" ever once give them a psych class explainingthe difficulties and disabilities that arise in children from very low income areas? Let's name a few- lower IQ, more suseptability to crime (either being a victim or committing a crime), astronomically higher rates of abuse, astronomically higher rate of that child also becoming an impovershed young parent, astronomically higher rate of not even getting a highschool diploma, and that's just a short list. Let's go on to problem

#2- there is no proof of God. They are basing these young womens fear and future hopes in a mythological being- not teaching them the facts. Why not have a motorhome that hands out condoms, performs papsmears and then hands out birth control or condoms and offers empowering lessons for these women to stand up and gain sexual control? Teach them that sex does not mean love and that they can choose to have sex or not have sex.

#3- let's look at the financial aspect. Is this Christian organization handing out monthly welfare checks to sustain these women and their children, or are they dumping that on the federal gov door step? Church and state were seperated. The church should NEVER encourage something the state will have to foot the bill for.

#4- of these "counsellors" is there ONE who is a licensed therapist? Or are they all quacks who "talk to god" and get their answers from him? Yeah, you read that right, quacks. If I believed that Zues was talking to me, I'd be a nut case, so should the same belief be handed to these people.

#4 my list of problems goes on and on. Just think objectively. You too will see my point.

-thoughts of the busy momma

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