Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Tattoos....Again! LOL!

So...a few weeks ago I got this tattoo

And Thursday I went to finish my other arm! In keeping with the style of my left arm I added the mantra for the Medicine Buddha on my right arm, and to balance it all out (cause the right arm is LONG)...I added a blue lotus to my left arm. I love it! I can honestly say I feel more relaxed just looking at them!

Pre- Tattooing...

Here we go!!!!

Half-way DONE!!!!

This one did hurt...I will be honest!

A few hours after it was finished....GORGEOUS!

And a few hours after it was done....I love it! And it wasn't that painful....the four outer edge characters KILLED!

My Tattoo is the short version of the mantra and is read like this:
oṃ bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajye mahābhaiṣajye bhaiṣajyarāje samudgate svāhā.(what it looks like written in "English")
oṃ bhe ṣa dzye bhe ṣa dzye ma hā bhe ṣa dzye rā dza ye sa mu dga te svā hā  (pronunciation)

There are a ton of English tranlsations---and the best that I could find (that fits with the repitious symbols)  is:
“Hail! Appear, O Healer, O Healer, O Great Healer, O King of Healing!”

I thought that this was very fitting---(1) with my religion and (2) with me trying to become a nurse. I love both tattoos! They are awesome!

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