John and I often forget about things like date night. It's so important to a marriage (or any relationship really) to check out of your daily "to-do's" and just reconnect. So many couples get so caught up in the day to day grind of life...make breakfast, get the kids to school, go to work, clean the house, do the laundry, walk the dog, make dinner...etc...that they forget cultivating the spark that started the whole fire. I will admit that John and I forget that our relationship has to check out of life's routines and check into US...keep that fire going strong so that we can get through the daily grind together. John and I feel like we have kids- so we can't just forget about them and move on with life, however, WE are still important as an adult branch to our family. Last night we went out on a "date" something we haven't done in several months and it was freaking FANTASTIC! There were no plans, just an idea of what to do and a "play it by ear" sort of deal. We had sushi for dinner (thanks to two glasses of plum wine, I left dinner feeling extra giddy) and made our way to a local comedy club. We had a blast! It's been over a year since we've gone to a comedy club and we needed the laugh until you wanna barf feeling.
I loved spending quality time with him. The cell phones were down (for the most part) we were talking, laughing, kissing and hugging. it was fantastic! I can't remember the comedians, I can only remember some of the joke...what I do remember is his arm around my chair and sharing a nasty cup of coffee and laughing until we cried. Whispering about people that were in the club with us and laughing about them when the comedian would make fun of them! I love my husband. I am in love with my husband and I can honestly say that he is my best friend. I dont know how I got so lucky to have someone like him- someone who can dream with me, laugh with me, cry with me and make me see the reality of life while at the same time trying to shield me from the nastyness of the world. He is my protector, my lover and my best friend. Thank you for such an awesome date night my love! We must do it again, this time sooner rather than later!
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