Thursday, April 15, 2010

Narrowing Down Even more

So...after a few days of research (that is driving a few people crazy) I have narrowed my topic way down and have even managed to find some overwhelmingly convincing evidence to back me up 100% . I have narrowed my paper down to the focus on the mental health of the LGBT community in regard to Christian led discrimination and hate against them.

It is amazing when doing the research to find that there are 1,138 benefits for hetero couples that homosexual couples are denied because they can't get married to their spouse. If I were to count them off the top of my head I would be able to count what I would consider the most important five- health benefits, legal divorce protection, death benefits, social security benefits and military benefits....however, it appears that I am 1,133 short!

In doing the research I find it amazing (though not shocking at all) that the majority of the funding toward the prevention of "gay marriage" is backed almost in it's entirety by large Christian based organizations....all because of some archaic book that in itself is FULL of fallacy....that states that because woman was made of man, so should man and woman reunite and complete the image of God...because man was made in the image of God to begin with, marriage completes and reunites the 'glory' of this being. I will ignore (for now) the blatant sexism in that little paraphrase of several focus on the family articles and move on, but not before stating this: If woman was made from man, why then is EVERY human a WOMAN in the womb until hormones and genetics dictate if that WOMAN should be turned into a MAN...seems as if Christianity is once again ignoring BIOLOGY (which by the way is proven fact, not mere faith). So---moving on to the thesis---the blatant discrimination in not recognizing the essence of a person's being has proven to cause and increase substance abuse, suicide, depression as well as malicious self harm. The organization that claims that they love everyone because god created everyone is the driving force behind an INCREASE in the mental decline of many because of their hate driven message to block them from equality.

We all know that I am by no means a christian cheerleader, you will not find me quoting Bible verses, post bits of hymns nor praising an imaginary being for my gains (last I knew, I created my gains as well as caused my own pitfalls)...however, my own personal beliefs cause me to show the inequality and masked hatred for what it is. Christianity is a means to control and over run those that don't follow the archaic and contradicting rules. Christianity is a vessel in which those who weld it's power can beat down those that vary from it's beliefs. Last time I checked, this nation was started as an escape from religious persecution...and I firmly believe that the Christians have chosen to conveniently ignore this piece of history- and as we all know, history does repeat itself...just watch as it's happening right before your eyes.

***Disclaimer*** I am not saying that ALL Christians are for holding down those that don't follow its rules, but those Christians that are NOT standing against the inequality and hate perpetrated by it's own religion are no better than those leading the battle---hypocrisy is RAMPANT in the Christian religion, there is not a single Christian that i know that is free from it. If you are offended by what I have said and you are a Christian who supports gay rights, stand up, let your voice be heard! Silence is just as bad as outspoken support of hate groups. Silence and allowing hate to in itself against the Christian religion, and there-in lies your hypocrisy.

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