Monday, April 19, 2010

Up at 3am!

What a way to start the darn week! Normally I'm up between 4:30-5 am on Mondays to get ready and get to class at 7 am and was expecting more of the same this morning. However, my children dont always let me stick to the plan. I woke up to hearing Michaela screaming for me at 3am, and rushed into the room to see Alex struggling to breathe and crying at the same time. My first normal reaction was "Croup" since he's had that since he was a baby, but when I really looked, this wasn't what seemed like normal croup to I grabbed him and went to the living room to open a window (cold air always fixes him)...and he still wasn't going back to "normal"...

As soon as the cold air wasn't doing it for him, I knew we'd have to go to the hospital,he needed meds. Sure enough, the girls hauls cookies and grabs her shoes and jackets for them both and we are out the door. Sherman Oaks Hospital isn't my favorite hospital in the whole world, however, they have a good ER and it's almost always empty! So...arrive at and seeing the doctor by 330! Sure enough, it's croup- just a worse than he normally has and made worse by his panic and crying. The doc was awesome! Joking and playing with the kids trying to calm them down and then he tells me "He's going to need one s-h-o-t..just one though"...and out he goes with the nurses. I figured I'd better tell Alex before the nurses come in to do it and get him ready. He FLIPPED! My poor boy usually does well, but not this time. I had to hold him down and he was still thrashing...and in comes "Bruiser"...a huge male nurse to hold down my little five year old 42lb boy! The nurse tells me "It might be easier if we lay him down"...NO WAY lady! I tell Alex that he better hold still or I can't hold him while they do it, and he poor baby curls right into me and just squeezes his eyes shut, and it's done. We come home at 4am and we are DEAD! The kids wanna lay on the couch and watch TV and I'm wondering what to do? Do I find someone to watch my baby so I can go to class? Do I stay home? Do I keep Mick home too cause she's dead on her feet...well, sleep. That was all I could think. Sleep and figure it out later. Mick woke up at 6:30 and said she wanted to go to school, so problem one solved. I of course was going to be late to class anyway and didn't know who could have watched Alex, so problem solved again. Home we are!
Ahhh...the joys of parenthood and waking up in a total panic because children are screaming like someone's trying to kill them....

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