Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trigeminal neuralgia

Thats what the doctor thinks I have right now. I've had a headache going on day 10 (today) and it's just not letting up. I finally went to Urgent Care on Friday to get some relief and was given a shot and a few meds to try, and thank GOODNESS for my darling friend over at Northridge Hospital who managed to get me in to see a doctor that she knows yesterday! Getting a dr appointment when you don't have a steady doctor is INSANE! He did a few tests and that's what he came up with. There's a nerve that is responsible for facial sensation, and when it gets inflamed you get crazy lightening pain that shoots from one side of the head to another. His opinion is that I had a headache that caused the inflammation and since the headache isn't going away, neither is the inflammation...so cure the headache and hopefully the inflammation will go down. He has me on this med that makes me LOOPY for a few hours. I'm in a fog and things just don't work right, but so far that med has killed the headache. I can handle loopy for a few hours as long as I can function without pain. We'll see how this goes. Hopefully I can find someone that will fix that nerve so I don't get these nasty circles of pain.

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