Sunday, March 29, 2009
Don't perm your eyelashes!
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Friday, March 20, 2009
Ugh, so much to do!
So, while at the car wash this dude pulls up in a tricked out escalade blasting some really weird music...a cross between euro-pop and spanish music. The guy next to me says "ok, that's ebough of that" and the dude next to him says "oh apparently he's a dj"....ha ha was lame! LOL
And on another note...all u dudes that may read this, please do NOT check out a woman when she's coming out of the gym....she's sweaty and tired and NOT feeling sexy!!! All you gals....if u are going to the gym, please work out. The guys that are there that you are interested in are (1) not looking for a date and (2) if they are looking for a date, you there primping in the mirror with your buddah gut and not working out to loose will definately not catch his eye the way you want to! There, I said it.
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I've been gone so long!
I haven't blogged in about a week! I've been BUSY BUSY BUSY! OMG! So....I was able to try the master cleanse for only two freaking days. That wasn't for me. I was seeing spots and floaters and no matter what the book says, that is NOT healthy! So...I ate. LOL! I'm off to the gym this morning, and then tanning. Today is MY DAY! My day to relax and pamper myself! How nice huh?
The little one started preschool this week, so it's been a week of errands and work for me. The girl is doing so good in kinder! I am so proud of her! There are some mom's at the school who want me to start jogging and hiking with them and I am seriously considering it! It will definitely be nice to make some friends and work out with them....I'm nervous though because I am afraid of slowing them down. It's been so long since I've been running/hikin that I don't know if I can keep up! I will try though!
If you haven't noticed the blog has a new Yes, I paid for a url that is my name! Ha ha ha...lame, oh well.
Love you guys that do read this blog and I will talk at you all later. Time to take the kiddos to school and work out/tan and enjoy my day!
Hope you have a good one and find some time this weekend to spoil yourself!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Core Synergetic's!
So, another video down...I did 45min of the 1hour long synergetic's video. It was pretty hard core! I didn't think it would be, but it kicked my butt! Because I couldn't do the whole thing, I did the 16 min abs video too. That one does have a tendency to hurt my back, so I have to take breaks often until I can get my abs strong enough to take the pressure off my back.
It was a great workout, and I have decided that today will be my day one. After doing three days in a row, and then having to stop for a few days, we are due for a "re-make"....LOL. This time I will be wearing my summer bikini! gotta see how I evolve over time! LOL! By summer I will be looking G-O-O-D!
So Awful!
Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by the horrible tragedy!
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Don't be cheap, go buy the real toy
Dumb ho! CLICK HERE to read the article accompanying this headline.
Woman Injured in Power Tool Sex Toy Encounter
Some apparent sexual experimentation landed a southern Maryland woman in a hospital with injuries tough to imagine and even more difficult to forget.
Maryland State Police airlifted the 27-year-old woman to Prince George's County Hospital Center early Sunday morning after she was injured in an incident involving a sex toy attached to a saber saw blade, reported.
The man who called 911 about the incident admitted attaching the sex toy to the saw and then using the high-powered, homemade device on his partner, WUSA confirmed with St. Mary's County public safety sources.
The saw cut through the plastic toy and wounded the woman, according to The injuries were severe enough for medevac, but the woman's condition at this time is unknown.
Whether the act was consensual or accidental likely will be investigated by the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office, WUSA reported .
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So bitter sweet
It 's a great thing when you children grow up and go to school, you have time you never thought you'd have again- time to clean, do errands, relax, take a class or two. But, it's also very very bittersweet. This morning I dropped my daughter off at school (she's in kinder) and my heart kinda sank. Watching her get out of the car and walk right in like she knew the place sent a wave of emotions.
1- she was growing up. That's a fact that I just couldn't deny. I knew it, she was growing up and gaining some independence.
2- She was self assured! That's a great feeling! Knowing that I had raised her to the point that at 6 she could confidently walk into the school and take care of business.
3- She was no longer dependant on me. Anther bitter sweet realization. She was independent which is good! Something that our children should be, however, she wasn't NEEDING me.
Just something I had to throw out there. Next week we should see the little man in pre-school too. Another bittersweet emotion. My children are growing and wanting to explore the world outside of the comfort of mommies hugs and kisses, and do so on their own! But...they can do it knowing that when they need me, I will be waiting here for them with all the hugs and kisses stored up through the day!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 why try to be sly? We know you're looking!
This video is HILARIOUS! It's like, we KNOW you are looking already! Get the freak over it! LOL! OMG!
Cracked me up!
OMG! I had to crack up at this one! That's freaking hilarious! I have taken four days off the P90X system because of drill and other pressing matters...but I got my hand weights and my elastic bands today and will resume my working out tonight!!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Drill- another day!!!
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Thursday, March 5, 2009
P90X Kenpo Series!!!
I did it!!! I did the whole hour long work out this time! I made it through and I have to say though some of the moves were confusing and I probably looked like a full on IDIOT it was so much fun! I think the Kenpo is definitely my favorite! It was a freaking blast!!!!
I am tired, I am sweaty...and my legs are jello-y....LOL...but man I feel GOOD!
Watch out some points I was close to hitting my TV! LOL!
Headline Of The Week Weak
Crazy!!!! CLICK HERE to read the article accompanying this headline.
[Image via WENN.]
Woman freed after days trapped in recycling bin
"All you could see were these feet and hands up in the air," said Michele Ayala.
Unbelievably, 76-year-old Mary Davis was discovered in her Pemberton garage Tuesday morning essentially folded in half stuck inside a 25-gallon plastic recycling bucket. Police say the arthritic widow was knocked off balance by her dog, Dusty, and fell backside first into the can, trapping her.
"She said she had been in there for 2 days and she was really weak."
Neighbor and longtime family friend Michele Ayala had been concerned about not seeing or hearing from Mrs. Davis for several days. So was the woman's old friend Ruth Woodson.
"Today I just got up this morning. I couldn't get her so I said I dug myself out and I said let me go see if I can find her."
The concern deepened when the widow's daughter called from Missouri this morning saying she couldn't contact her mother.
Michele called police and headed to the house on Villanova Avenue, with a key, but all the outside doors were locked.
That's when her 14-year-old son Kazon shimmied through a dog door to open the garage.
"And there she was feet and hands sticking in the air with a little voice that called out, she says I'm here, I'm here and I went and got blankets," Michele said.
Mary Davis was pulled out of the bucket "responsive and happy" and rushed to Virtua Memorial Hospital. How did she survive in the bitter cold? Michele says its may have to do with how Mrs. Davis pampered her dog Dusty. She keeps a heater in the garage for her dog, or she might have frozen to death.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009
P90X Yoga
This one isn't a joke either. It's an hour and a half of back breaking, butt busting yoga. I've done yoga classes before and they have been challenging, this one was INSANE! There was no breaking and breathing in child's pose here. I will be honest and say that I was only able to do 45 minutes of the DVD...I will work my way up to doing the whole darn thing! I swear I will! But this was KILLING ME! LOL! Once I was no longer able to hold the poses, and I was shaking beyond belief, I had to take a break. It was awesome though and such a phenomenally great work out!
My legs are still feeling like jello and I finished the work out almost two hours ago!
I am loving this program! It's amazing how far it pushes you! I can't wait until tomorrow to try the cardio!
Check your surroundings! Lesson number one!
The object of my frustration
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Plyometrics and Ab ripper X
OK, here's my review! LOL! Lemme say that man, I am not in shape! The Plyometrics KILLED me and because of the implants the jumping around, not feasible! So- I had to modify the jumping around so I didn't hurt the girls (after all, an large investment is just that, an investment!) and I was only able to do 45 min of the 1hour workout...but, I did it! That's the point. The ab ripper X was a KILLER workout. Just 16 min and it kills your stomach. I wasn't able to do as many as they did, nor as quickly---it was killing my back (and I already have back problems) but I am attributing the pain to just being out of shape and lack of muscle definition and ability. I figured out ways to do it with my own little tweaks and it got done.
I will say that I am TIRED. It KILLED me and it's probably aimed more toward the already made athlete---however, this is one housewife who is tired of looking in the mirror and sighing. I paid for great boobs, and I don't believe in lipo until you've done EVERYTHING to try to fix the problem I will work and fix my problem areas!
It's here!
Today is day 1- my measurements are as follows
Waist is 27in
hips are 35 that i've looked through my package it's time to do the Plyometrics and the Ab Ripper! See ya !
Gotta admit, guilty pleasure!
I have guilty pleasures just like anyone, however, thankfully mine isn't chocolate! It's Britney Spears! I love her to pieces and my kids as a result know almost every song she sings! LOL! I wish I was going to her Circus tour! That would be awesome! Check out her video on YouTube!
The star system
So, I've been wracking my brains trying to get my kids to do what they have to do on their own. I mean, brushing teeth, clothes in hamper, making beds--they have to learn the self-motivate and get this done. I don't want their room to look like the Tasmanian devil hit it, nor do I want them to be that kid (you know, the one with the stinky breath, almost as bad as the stinky kid!). While they are only 6 and 4 they should know to do all these things on their own.
I've always scoffed at the "reward system"...thinking "Their reward should be no cavities, no bugs in their room, a place to play"...right? Nope, I was wrong. The star system works. I have two charts, one for the boy and one for the girl, and when they do what they need to do for the day, they get a star...let me tell you how they have been on their game! Stars work! It's amazing!
The girl is BEGGING to do things so she can get her stars...unfortunately, brushing your teeth twice in the morning doesn't count as "morning" and "night" brushing. Putting your shirt in your hamper and then pants 5 min later doesn't count as two separate
times of putting clothes in the hamper either! LOL!
Its coming today!!!
So, the P90X should be getting here TODAY! I'm so excited! Here's a copy of the shipping information I got from the UPS website!
Of course I had to block out some information that would clue the weirdos into where I was living, but you get the idea! I'm so so excited! I can't wait to get it! I hope I am here when it comes, I will make sure to leave a note for the UPS guy to just leave it inside...I hate that we have to sign for crap! LOL! It did go out at 630 this morning, so it should be here before 12 I hope!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Bras---there have to be some to fit me!
I have hunted everywhere and the only place that I can find bras that fit me is Marshalls. Le Mystre no 9....and they only have them in BLACK! LOL! I have a few from Fredericks that fit, but those are getting quite time to shop in the UK! LOL! I dunno why they carry sizes that are small in the band and large in the cup and no one else does, but oh well!
Today's trip
$30 to see Jonas Bros 3D
$23.00 in candy at the candy shop (today was special day with mommy and daughter)
$11.50 for popcorn and candy
$12.00 for parking
Seeing the movie-- Way over rated. It stank. The 3D effects were awesome, but we left about 30 min early it was so darn bad!
Spending chill time with the girl? Priceless
Just watched the girls next door!
So, just got done watching the season finale of The Girls Next Door (thank you TiVo) and my heart was sad for Hef. I know he's the ultimate swinger and that he doesn't mind people coming and going, but he was really sad about Holly! I felt so bad! I know I know....just another "fan" lamenting the lives of the rich and famous. No, I'm not gonna get all sorts of crazy and cry and moan and beg Holly to stay with Hef (after all, thanks to Perez Hilton we know what's currently going on! LOL!). I don't like the new girls either. They are too typical. Kendra was not the typical girl and she's awesome for that!
Man, if only I was blond and hot at 18 ha ha ha!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Poor little bugger man
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Getting ready!

So, the dreaded first post!
I am tired of reading blogs that sound like sales ads for this program, or any other for that matter…so because of that, this blog will just be ME and my transformation. There will be random other things posted here and there, but mainly, just me.
I dont have fancy equipment and I live in an apartment, so more than likely you will get a few you tube videos of me…with my lovely small kitchen in the background and will more than likely catch a cat or two darting around in the background. Oh well, such is life!
So, here it is…the first post! Now…lets sit and wait for the program to get here! LOL!