Sunday, March 1, 2009

So, the dreaded first post!

I got it! The email that says that my P90X system is SHIPPED! Though they say I wont get it till March 6th…I can’t wait to see it and see what it does! Now, what’s this all about? It’s about MY transformation! I have the plastic surgery done so that I’m not afraid of doing the deed with the lights on! LOL! The girls are fixed and better than ever. Now it’s time to fix some other target areas…mostly the stomach and the bum!
I am tired of reading blogs that sound like sales ads for this program, or any other for that matter…so because of that, this blog will just be ME and my transformation. There will be random other things posted here and there, but mainly, just me.

I dont have fancy equipment and I live in an apartment, so more than likely you will get a few you tube videos of me…with my lovely small kitchen in the background and will more than likely catch a cat or two darting around in the background. Oh well, such is life!

So, here it is…the first post! Now…lets sit and wait for the program to get here! LOL!

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