Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The star system

So, I've been wracking my brains trying to get my kids to do what they have to do on their own. I mean, brushing teeth, clothes in hamper, making beds--they have to learn the self-motivate and get this done. I don't want their room to look like the Tasmanian devil hit it, nor do I want them to be that kid (you know, the one with the stinky breath, almost as bad as the stinky kid!). While they are only 6 and 4 they should know to do all these things on their own.

I've always scoffed at the "reward system"...thinking "Their reward should be no cavities, no bugs in their room, a place to play"...right? Nope, I was wrong. The star system works. I have two charts, one for the boy and one for the girl, and when they do what they need to do for the day, they get a star...let me tell you how they have been on their game! Stars work! It's amazing!

The girl is BEGGING to do things so she can get her stars...unfortunately, brushing your teeth twice in the morning doesn't count as "morning" and "night" brushing. Putting your shirt in your hamper and then pants 5 min later doesn't count as two separate

times of putting clothes in the hamper either! LOL!

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