Friday, July 31, 2009

Making Menus...

I need to start better planning dinner. I have to pat myself on the back because in the last 2 1/2 weeks the girl, the boy and I have only eaten out three or four times, which is awesome since we are used to eating out almost every freaking night...and it's saved us a TON of money since we aren't wasting it on groceries and then buying food at a restaurant.

Now, it's on to phase two! Plan plan plan plan! This way I can take stuff out first thing in the morning to thaw and have it all ready before lunch so that come dinner time I can't chicken out and get lazy and think "Oh, nothing is thawed...lets eat out"...cause that is how I get away with it, and I know it! I realize come 5 or 6 that there is nothing thawed and we eat out...BAD SASHA! LOL!

I have a recipe book called "4 Ingredients" that also includes a grocery list as well as a main dish and side dishes that are all included on the I will try to plan one week of dinners and see how that runs up the grocery bill!

Wish me luck! I think we will go shopping Sunday and I'll post then how sky high the bill was and see if it works!

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