Thursday, July 2, 2009

Michael Jackson's Funeral and Mark Krisky's RIDICULOUS comments this morning

I was listening to channel 5 news this morning (KTLA) and they were discussing what to do for MJ's funeral. Let me say that I am by no means a fan of MJ. I think all the public mourning over his death was hypocritical bullshit. No one wanted anything to do with him after the child molestation accusations however once he died everyone was crying and mourning the loss of a "hero". Hero??? How? What did he ever do for you? This is along the lines of the damn Lakers parade that we had a while back. It's RIDICULOUS. However, there are talks going on to have a funeral for MJ at the Staples Center and Mark Krisky went off on city costs. He was stating that "isn't that what the police are there for any way" to be there at city events and pull security. Last time I checked, it was the police that covered 911 calls and emergencies...not the ones who pulled security! If you want security pay for the rent-a-cops...or pay the police officers OVERTIME. They are there to protect the CITY not pull security.

The police here in LA are stretched dangerously thin...for example in WLA the police have a 64 square mile area to patrol...and in LA that's very large and full of traffic. There are at any one time 2-4 cars driving in that area. For those that dont know the West LA area, that INCLUDES parts of PCH and Mullholland...areas that are always backed up with traffic and are usually two lane lane each way. Tell me, are we supposed to pull those 4 cars away to have them work at MJ's funeral? Who will respond to the 911 calls in that area then? Oh, of course the cops in West Valley and Topanga...but then the cops from Devonshire have to come and cover their areas...but then who will cover Devonshire? Van Nuys and Foothill? You get my drift? Do you see where I am going? Los Angeles is severely lacking in police officers because of the high turnover and large expanse of the city. There is a statistic floating around that compares LA cops to NY cops and the square miles that a cop has to cover in each city...and if I remember correctly...NY cops have 1 sq mile per police officer where as LA cops have 10 sq miles of patrol area per cop...and we have drastically under the 10,000 cops that we need, where as NY has something like 40,000 police officers.

THEN instead of shutting his mouth Mark goes on to say that "when there is breaking news, we stay to cover it, and we don't get overtime" well excuse the fuck out of me, but if cops made the amount of money he did I am sure they would be willing to work on call and not get over time...however, I am sure that Mark makes about three times the amount that cops do...if that little. If Mark is so concerned about police officers and what their jobs are, perhaps he should donate his generous salary to the city for a year or two so that the police can do their job and do it well instead of being stretched thin. Oh, wait, that would be a public service. He's rich and I am sure has a private patrol (remember, the guys who failed the academy, or couldnt' get in...those are the ones who are the rent-a-cops that I am sure patrol Mark's gated community....but I am sure they dont carry a gun or are anywhere near trained to deal with crime.)in his warm cozy house so he doesn't have to worry about whether or not a police officer can answer his 911 call. However, on the day that you DO have to call 911 Mark...dont be upset when the cops take their time...after all, they might be working on a parade, or shoot, they just might not be available.

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