Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Coming back from the pool!
One of the many quick test posts I did from my phone! We are in the elevator in the Stratosphere coming back from the pool! I will post a longer blog about this in a second.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Santa Barbara...what a great weekend!
This weekend was the start to a great week ahead---a ton of relaxing and swimming and hanging out as a family! We went to Santa Barbara (Where the MIL lives) and went to the Solstice parade, went swimming and in general just hung out and relaxed! Best of all? Mick learned to swim with NO FLOATIES! It wasn't really was more like "I'm taking off my floaties now...oh yeah, I know how to swim"...LOL. She's definitely going to be my little competitive swimmer! She went from going underwater and holding her breath to swimming under water, to free style and back stroke to freaking butterfly! I wont lie, her fly needs a bit of work...but at 6 she has the concept down! I'm so excited!
Tomorrow we are on to Vegas for three days where there will be more endless swimming...who knows, maybe she'll be doing fly like she was born doing it!

Tomorrow we are on to Vegas for three days where there will be more endless swimming...who knows, maybe she'll be doing fly like she was born doing it!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Do Dad's get short changed?
NO! Mom's for the most part are the ones who are at home raising the children and this day in age DO work and bring in a pay check! Mom's are also the ones who carry a baby for 9 months in her stomach going through morning sickness as well as having her body stretched to all heaven to carry this child. When it's time to have the child, this baby has to be PUSHED OUT of her body...and if that doesn't work, that child has to be CUT OUT of her body! Mom's SHOULD get lavished on and pampered over.
Dad's SHOULD get loved and showed with attention on Father's Day because it IS a big day...however, the majority of Dad's are not as invested in their children as mothers are. Now, to clarify, my husband is VERY different than most dads. He works in a high stress environment and at the end of the day will STILL come home and play with the kids, take them for walks, cook dinner, help me clean and do laundry as well as the days that I've had a hard day when he comes home and tells me to sit and he just takes over!
In addition---what dad has ever asked for a diamond tennis bracelet? What dad has ever wanted flowers and jewelry??? I have yet to see one. Dad's want/need clothes, sports stuff, stuff. It's not our fault that their stuff is cheaper. Dad's do NOT get short changed. However, if they did, I would not be crying for them...because when it comes right down to it, who is more liable to leave the children? The Dad. That's the plain and simple.
Dad's SHOULD get loved and showed with attention on Father's Day because it IS a big day...however, the majority of Dad's are not as invested in their children as mothers are. Now, to clarify, my husband is VERY different than most dads. He works in a high stress environment and at the end of the day will STILL come home and play with the kids, take them for walks, cook dinner, help me clean and do laundry as well as the days that I've had a hard day when he comes home and tells me to sit and he just takes over!
In addition---what dad has ever asked for a diamond tennis bracelet? What dad has ever wanted flowers and jewelry??? I have yet to see one. Dad's want/need clothes, sports stuff, stuff. It's not our fault that their stuff is cheaper. Dad's do NOT get short changed. However, if they did, I would not be crying for them...because when it comes right down to it, who is more liable to leave the children? The Dad. That's the plain and simple.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Lakers Parade
Ok, yay for the Lakers...they won, yada yada yada. I have never been into sports so I can't truly rejoice in overgrown children getting paid sickening amounts of money to play a GAME...I don't get it. They aren't doctors. They aren't saving lives. They aren't teachers promoting the future. They are very lucky, very tall men who have a natural athletic hey, let's pay them tens of MILLIONS a year to play sports all their lives, to sleep around with women and cheat on their wives, to rape women, to commit crimes...and then throw them a parade. Great choices America!
My problem is with the parade. They won a championship, caused riots (second time there have been riots because they've won...are all Lakers fans ghetto idiots or are there some intelligent ones out there? Anyone?) and the city threw them a parade. The first problem was with the funding- who was going to pay for it? There were clean up crews that had to be paid for, the police force (who I know first hand is already understaffed and underfunded for overtime) and of course traffic was gonna be a nightmare! So...people are getting antsy because the city sure as heck can't pay for it- we are forcing city employees to take 26 unpaid furloughs a year and laying off THOUSANDS of them...not to mention there is now rumor that they are either going to stop hiring cops, cut back on the number of cops they hire or they are gonna start laying them off (Hey, those in South East Division, Rampart, Newton, really want LESS cops on your streets- of course I'm talking to the well behaved citizens, not the criminals). So where will the city get the money? Private donations of course!
Somehow, in a matter of DAYS they city amassed over $900,000.00 from private donations. Now I dont know what I am more disgusted by, the donations for a damn PARADE or the stupid fans who act like morons, or the fact that we pay these players tens of millions of dollars! I will just be disgusted by it all! I am sickened by the fact that we can gather nearly $1million dollars to have a celebration of fools, but we can't gather donations (and don't even think about doing it!) to save JOBS! Why can't the great state of California gather a few million to save our teachers? How about that?
What bothers me even more is that we are wanting to celebrate people who play a SPORT and throw them a parade, however, when was the last time one of them did something for one of us? I have NEVER seen a sport player throw a parade for a heroic fan of theirs, have you? Yet we fall all over ourselves to celebrate these men-children who play sports for winning? Isn't that what they are supposed to do? Didn't they just do their job? Why not throw parades for teachers who work in the crime hardened schools who save just ONE child? Oh, that's right, they are doing their job and getting UNDERPAID to do it. They made a career choice that requires their heart and soul...they don't play games...they GUIDE and TEACH and LOVE our future!!! Dang it, I forgot. sum it all up...Angelinos that donated money, those that went and reveled in it (to include those that rioted and those that got arrested at the parade- morons) and those that supported a're all daft. There isn't a brain amongst you! How can you have promoted this parade while next year your children might not have a teacher? Or might be shoved in a class with 40 plus children? Do you think the money for that comes from the sky? No! Not a chance!
When are the citizens of Los Angeles going to grow up?
My problem is with the parade. They won a championship, caused riots (second time there have been riots because they've won...are all Lakers fans ghetto idiots or are there some intelligent ones out there? Anyone?) and the city threw them a parade. The first problem was with the funding- who was going to pay for it? There were clean up crews that had to be paid for, the police force (who I know first hand is already understaffed and underfunded for overtime) and of course traffic was gonna be a nightmare! So...people are getting antsy because the city sure as heck can't pay for it- we are forcing city employees to take 26 unpaid furloughs a year and laying off THOUSANDS of them...not to mention there is now rumor that they are either going to stop hiring cops, cut back on the number of cops they hire or they are gonna start laying them off (Hey, those in South East Division, Rampart, Newton, really want LESS cops on your streets- of course I'm talking to the well behaved citizens, not the criminals). So where will the city get the money? Private donations of course!
Somehow, in a matter of DAYS they city amassed over $900,000.00 from private donations. Now I dont know what I am more disgusted by, the donations for a damn PARADE or the stupid fans who act like morons, or the fact that we pay these players tens of millions of dollars! I will just be disgusted by it all! I am sickened by the fact that we can gather nearly $1million dollars to have a celebration of fools, but we can't gather donations (and don't even think about doing it!) to save JOBS! Why can't the great state of California gather a few million to save our teachers? How about that?
What bothers me even more is that we are wanting to celebrate people who play a SPORT and throw them a parade, however, when was the last time one of them did something for one of us? I have NEVER seen a sport player throw a parade for a heroic fan of theirs, have you? Yet we fall all over ourselves to celebrate these men-children who play sports for winning? Isn't that what they are supposed to do? Didn't they just do their job? Why not throw parades for teachers who work in the crime hardened schools who save just ONE child? Oh, that's right, they are doing their job and getting UNDERPAID to do it. They made a career choice that requires their heart and soul...they don't play games...they GUIDE and TEACH and LOVE our future!!! Dang it, I forgot. sum it all up...Angelinos that donated money, those that went and reveled in it (to include those that rioted and those that got arrested at the parade- morons) and those that supported a're all daft. There isn't a brain amongst you! How can you have promoted this parade while next year your children might not have a teacher? Or might be shoved in a class with 40 plus children? Do you think the money for that comes from the sky? No! Not a chance!
When are the citizens of Los Angeles going to grow up?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ryan's Roses
We all know what Ryan's Roses is...I'm assuming...but for those that don't let me explain. If a woman thinks her man is cheating, she calls Ryan (KISS FM 102.7) and tells her story. If Ryan buys it (or the screener buys it) they give the horrible cheating man a call. Man answers the phone and someone says they are from XYZ (insert name) florist and they are new in town, they are offering to send free roses to anyone free of charge to get their name out there. Of course there's the usual "Do I have to give my credit card number" and "is this really free" crap- but once that's over with they say "Sure! I'll do it"...and here's the truth they send the roses to their wife/girlfriend or do they send them to someone they are cheating with? That's how the woman finds out if she's just a paranoid freak or if her man is really cheating. It's pathetic really...Ryan's Roses has been on air for a while...and these guys don't know? IDIOT! And to be in a relationship where you have to go on a radio show to find out if your significant other is cheating is moronic...where's the trust, communication, anything??? That's be side the point, that's a rant for another problem is this: Who is finding out what WOMEN are cheating? You can flip the script and do this to a woman...who is she gonna send roses to? What can they use to see if she will admit to cheating?
My answer is this---offer a nice dinner out. Call up and say we are from XYZ restaurant and we are offering a lunch/dinner valued at $150 dollars at our restaurant. We are completely new and want to get our name out there. This is free of charge, let us know the date and time and we will make a reservation for you. I think a woman would go for this. If she's cheating, she'll take the lunch and meet her Romeo there on the sly and if she isn't she'll take the dinner and meet her husband there and dress all nice ready for some nookie later----UNTIL (and this happens in Ryan's Roses also) Ryan gets on the line and say "There are no roses, this is Ryan from Ryan's Roses and you are on KISS FM. Your spouse thinks you're cheating. She/He thinks your cheating because (insert reason)..." and now all trust is lost in the relationship because you just blasted them all over southern California.
I don't know why they just pick on men...maybe men are too proud to call in and reveal to SO Cal that they are being cheated on...maybe it's a man thing, who knows. But why just pic on men? Women cheat too--granted we are probably a little smarter and can hide it better...we don't have a lower head to think with! So...any comments? Why do we just pick on the men that cheat? What about the women? Who's gonna pick on them?
My answer is this---offer a nice dinner out. Call up and say we are from XYZ restaurant and we are offering a lunch/dinner valued at $150 dollars at our restaurant. We are completely new and want to get our name out there. This is free of charge, let us know the date and time and we will make a reservation for you. I think a woman would go for this. If she's cheating, she'll take the lunch and meet her Romeo there on the sly and if she isn't she'll take the dinner and meet her husband there and dress all nice ready for some nookie later----UNTIL (and this happens in Ryan's Roses also) Ryan gets on the line and say "There are no roses, this is Ryan from Ryan's Roses and you are on KISS FM. Your spouse thinks you're cheating. She/He thinks your cheating because (insert reason)..." and now all trust is lost in the relationship because you just blasted them all over southern California.
I don't know why they just pick on men...maybe men are too proud to call in and reveal to SO Cal that they are being cheated on...maybe it's a man thing, who knows. But why just pic on men? Women cheat too--granted we are probably a little smarter and can hide it better...we don't have a lower head to think with! So...any comments? Why do we just pick on the men that cheat? What about the women? Who's gonna pick on them?
Customer Service
Not everyone is cut out for this job. I understand that it's a difficult job and that's why I wont EVER do it and why I try my hardest to not get angry at the idiots that work in this's not their fault policies are dumb and it's not their fault a product doesn't work. I try my HARDEST to be nice to them and be patient...I wouldn't want their job and some of them dont seem to want it either, so it's time to be nice to them. However, there are some people that I can't help but want to unleash on.
If you are in the customer service field you will NEVER bring a bad day to work. That's cardinal rule number ONE and pretty much the ONLY rule to live by. If someone died, if your girlfriend/boyfriend is being a jerk, if your dog is sick...leave it at the door when you go to work.
I took two phones to Verizon yesterday to have the address books transferred and the phones activated. I know I could do it myself, but I don't feel like signing up for the $1.99 service (per month per phone) and the data charges to upload my numbers into a cloud and download them into the new phone...and since the store is there and this is one of their purposes, why not go there and do it for free? And a whole lot faster too! Not only that, it should be mistake free since (1) it's their job and (2) they do it day in and day out.
So, I get to Verizon and hand the guy the old phones and the new pairs so it's easier and explain to him what I need. I get a GRUNT. Not a "OK sure no problem" or a "I can do that" or even a "Fuck you bitch" I get a freaking GRUNT. Then I realize that I need to save a few texts on my phone and get those transferred...well, he can't do that. So, I ask him "Can you just transfer the address book, I can activate it on my own so I don't loose the texts, I have to figure out what do first. But please still activate my husbands phone"...And I get a nod. Again, not a "ok" or a "go to hell"...a nod. While he's doing my husbands phone I ask if there's anyway their computers can grab the text messages and transfer them or SOMETHING....and I get a nasty look. That's it. A nasty look. Not a "Sorry, we can't do that" or "Call customer service see if they can, cause I can't"....not a "No dumb bitch, that's a stupid question"...I get a damn LOOK. Whatever...I dont want to get angry and I dont wanna fight with an obvious mute moron, so I take the phones when the stuff is done and go home. I tried calling customer service from my phone, and nothing. Calls are dropped and not going through. I asked Vanessa to call my phone to see whats wrong....and ... here it comes....MY HUSBANDS PHONE STARTS RINGING! The MORON activated my husbands phone with my number. That was it, I was pissed.
I flew back to Verizon and was ready to scream for a manager and berate the idiot that screwed up the phone and was RUDE to top it all off...when I get a call...I'm now on my husbands phone that's activated with my number and dealing with a pressing issue...So I try telling the guy that I need my number on the other phone, but I can't have him do it yet because I'm on the phone and I can't get off until the issue is fixed...I know they are closing I'm sorry, however, it's not my fault. If they had done it right the first time, I would have been at home dealing with this. anger is deflated and I'm sick to my stomach with worry...I just want the phones fixed.
Ugh...they fixed the phones, this new guy was POLITE and was engaged in conversation and the other guy was crabby as could be still. Why is he in this job? Did he think it would be easy money? Did he think it would be an easy job? Customer service is one of the hardest jobs in the world, and you have to have the right personality. Apparently this guy didn't. I'm still VERY bothered by his attitude and debating if I should call the manager or not.
If you are in the customer service field you will NEVER bring a bad day to work. That's cardinal rule number ONE and pretty much the ONLY rule to live by. If someone died, if your girlfriend/boyfriend is being a jerk, if your dog is sick...leave it at the door when you go to work.
I took two phones to Verizon yesterday to have the address books transferred and the phones activated. I know I could do it myself, but I don't feel like signing up for the $1.99 service (per month per phone) and the data charges to upload my numbers into a cloud and download them into the new phone...and since the store is there and this is one of their purposes, why not go there and do it for free? And a whole lot faster too! Not only that, it should be mistake free since (1) it's their job and (2) they do it day in and day out.
So, I get to Verizon and hand the guy the old phones and the new pairs so it's easier and explain to him what I need. I get a GRUNT. Not a "OK sure no problem" or a "I can do that" or even a "Fuck you bitch" I get a freaking GRUNT. Then I realize that I need to save a few texts on my phone and get those transferred...well, he can't do that. So, I ask him "Can you just transfer the address book, I can activate it on my own so I don't loose the texts, I have to figure out what do first. But please still activate my husbands phone"...And I get a nod. Again, not a "ok" or a "go to hell"...a nod. While he's doing my husbands phone I ask if there's anyway their computers can grab the text messages and transfer them or SOMETHING....and I get a nasty look. That's it. A nasty look. Not a "Sorry, we can't do that" or "Call customer service see if they can, cause I can't"....not a "No dumb bitch, that's a stupid question"...I get a damn LOOK. Whatever...I dont want to get angry and I dont wanna fight with an obvious mute moron, so I take the phones when the stuff is done and go home. I tried calling customer service from my phone, and nothing. Calls are dropped and not going through. I asked Vanessa to call my phone to see whats wrong....and ... here it comes....MY HUSBANDS PHONE STARTS RINGING! The MORON activated my husbands phone with my number. That was it, I was pissed.
I flew back to Verizon and was ready to scream for a manager and berate the idiot that screwed up the phone and was RUDE to top it all off...when I get a call...I'm now on my husbands phone that's activated with my number and dealing with a pressing issue...So I try telling the guy that I need my number on the other phone, but I can't have him do it yet because I'm on the phone and I can't get off until the issue is fixed...I know they are closing I'm sorry, however, it's not my fault. If they had done it right the first time, I would have been at home dealing with this. anger is deflated and I'm sick to my stomach with worry...I just want the phones fixed.
Ugh...they fixed the phones, this new guy was POLITE and was engaged in conversation and the other guy was crabby as could be still. Why is he in this job? Did he think it would be easy money? Did he think it would be an easy job? Customer service is one of the hardest jobs in the world, and you have to have the right personality. Apparently this guy didn't. I'm still VERY bothered by his attitude and debating if I should call the manager or not.
Monday, June 15, 2009
I was raised in the Presbyterian Church and raised to never question, to have the faith of a child as it says in the Bible...however, now that I am an adult, I have a problem with that. Throughout history wars have been waged, inquisitions begun, hate spread and intolerance and nonacceptance bred into children because of this "faith of a child" system. Why shouldn't people question? Why shouldn't people search for answers to their questions? Is that so bad to want knowledge? Of course it is, at least in the Christian and Catholic's bad because that's what Adam and Eve wanted...that's what that story was about isn't it? Don't question, don't eat that fruit because then you will know things like God...just trust. Well, Eve ate the damn apple and apparently (who really knows, were you there or is your blind faith telling you this...perhaps the "spirit" is talking to you? Really?) they were cast out and them as well as their descendants were sentenced to lives of misery. Sounds a bit coincidental don't you think? That someone is told that the reason we suffer and are forced into lives of work and misery is because of something that someone did millions of years ago...people that we have no proof of that ever existed...can you tell me where the Garden of Eden really was? What about the skeletons of Adam and Eve...or relics for that matter? Cause I can show you skeletons of the early man...and believe you me, they don't seem that intelligent, nor do they seem capable of naming every species of animal and plant on this earth...they couldn't even use tools for crying out loud!
And don't even get me started on the THOUSANDS of books that were PURPOSELY left out of the Bible...I believe that goes back to the beginning of the Catholic church and then deeming only 73 books acceptable. Well, does that mean that the Protestant Bible is wrong because they are lacking 7 books leaving them with a total of 66 books. Going farther back to 1611 there were an additional 14 books that were removed (these were called the Apocrypha). I have yet to find a Priest or Pastor who could explain why an average of 5000 books were either destroyed forever or hidden away (they are just now being found in the last 50 years or so hidden away)that makes sense...and yet EVERY Christian/Catholic that you find will swear to you that the Bible is the inherent word of God. Really??? So what, the 20 book difference in the last 390 odd years and in the difference between the King James version and the Catholic version were lies? Someone claimed they were God's words...and some other person proved that was a lie? What about translation? Are they all so dense as to say that there was NOTHING lost or added in translation? I'm no linguist, but even when my mother in law translates Spanish to English...there's something lost there.
Back to my title and the reason for my posting. I want something that will be a philosophy and a belief system that can hold up to questions--and that if there are no answers, will readily admit "I don't have answer for that, and that's OK". I've been reading a lot about Buddhism and so far, I like it. There is no forcible belief system. You take the lessons and apply them, if you don't buy it, then you don't buy it and it's OK, you move on to the next lesson. There are no threats of hell and damnation. There is no punishment for something someone did millions of years ago. It does allow for the belief of a God. I do believe in God. I believe he had a son that he sent to try and help us in this life. I believe that God loves us...however, I also believe that God has given up on us. We are on our own. Every now and then God will step in and help you out...but I believe that because His words have been so construed and used to propel hate and greed in this world that He's sorta thrown up his hands and said "You deal with it"...and is sitting back watching what we are doing. Why Buddhism if I believe in God? Because it's a great philosophy. It teaches love and compassion. It teaches a furtherance of understanding and it calls on it's believers to help people. It teaches that to end one's suffering you must realize the suffering of others and center yourself and attempt to help those that you can help. You can't shove your belief down the throats of others, just be open to teaching those that want to know.
I like it. A belief system that teaches one to center oneself so that when others need help - whatever the help may be - you can offer it.
And don't even get me started on the THOUSANDS of books that were PURPOSELY left out of the Bible...I believe that goes back to the beginning of the Catholic church and then deeming only 73 books acceptable. Well, does that mean that the Protestant Bible is wrong because they are lacking 7 books leaving them with a total of 66 books. Going farther back to 1611 there were an additional 14 books that were removed (these were called the Apocrypha). I have yet to find a Priest or Pastor who could explain why an average of 5000 books were either destroyed forever or hidden away (they are just now being found in the last 50 years or so hidden away)that makes sense...and yet EVERY Christian/Catholic that you find will swear to you that the Bible is the inherent word of God. Really??? So what, the 20 book difference in the last 390 odd years and in the difference between the King James version and the Catholic version were lies? Someone claimed they were God's words...and some other person proved that was a lie? What about translation? Are they all so dense as to say that there was NOTHING lost or added in translation? I'm no linguist, but even when my mother in law translates Spanish to English...there's something lost there.
Back to my title and the reason for my posting. I want something that will be a philosophy and a belief system that can hold up to questions--and that if there are no answers, will readily admit "I don't have answer for that, and that's OK". I've been reading a lot about Buddhism and so far, I like it. There is no forcible belief system. You take the lessons and apply them, if you don't buy it, then you don't buy it and it's OK, you move on to the next lesson. There are no threats of hell and damnation. There is no punishment for something someone did millions of years ago. It does allow for the belief of a God. I do believe in God. I believe he had a son that he sent to try and help us in this life. I believe that God loves us...however, I also believe that God has given up on us. We are on our own. Every now and then God will step in and help you out...but I believe that because His words have been so construed and used to propel hate and greed in this world that He's sorta thrown up his hands and said "You deal with it"...and is sitting back watching what we are doing. Why Buddhism if I believe in God? Because it's a great philosophy. It teaches love and compassion. It teaches a furtherance of understanding and it calls on it's believers to help people. It teaches that to end one's suffering you must realize the suffering of others and center yourself and attempt to help those that you can help. You can't shove your belief down the throats of others, just be open to teaching those that want to know.
I like it. A belief system that teaches one to center oneself so that when others need help - whatever the help may be - you can offer it.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sick Kids
Mick usually gets sick once every year ...this year has been hard on her. In April (I think) she got VERY sick at a field trip and was out of school for a week. Alex didn't get it- he's not my sick kid. Poor girl had a nasty fever that wasn't going away. This time around she has a mild fever and is complaining of head aches and ear aches- the urgent care doctor explained that it was more than likely a sinus infection and that was causing the Eustachian tubes in her ears to close in because of pressure and causing the pain. So...she's got medication for the sinus issue.
Alex woke up coughing last night (well this morning at like 5) and has been up with me off and on since. He too has a regular cold and sinus issues and the doctor gave me scrips for them both in case it becomes a bacterial infection.
I thought sick kids were supposed to be lethargic..just wanting to sit and do nothing. Mick follows those rules...but Alex doesn't. Alex gets super hyper and fidgety, he just wants to do SOMETHING instead of lay down and rest. I can't get the darn Wii to work (cause that would be of course it wont work) and he doesn't want to watch cartoons...
That's it, that's my vent. Now I need to clean so the boy child can play least that will keep him busy for a little bit. I need to buy a mouse for their computer so I dont have to share! LOL!
Here's my sick little man!
Alex woke up coughing last night (well this morning at like 5) and has been up with me off and on since. He too has a regular cold and sinus issues and the doctor gave me scrips for them both in case it becomes a bacterial infection.
I thought sick kids were supposed to be lethargic..just wanting to sit and do nothing. Mick follows those rules...but Alex doesn't. Alex gets super hyper and fidgety, he just wants to do SOMETHING instead of lay down and rest. I can't get the darn Wii to work (cause that would be of course it wont work) and he doesn't want to watch cartoons...
That's it, that's my vent. Now I need to clean so the boy child can play least that will keep him busy for a little bit. I need to buy a mouse for their computer so I dont have to share! LOL!
Here's my sick little man!
Mick's gymnastics!
Michaela had her first gymnastics class this weekend and it was a blast! They did somersaults, cartwheels, wheelbarrows, some bar work and a whole ton of other things! She was so excited. The morning started with her running in from warm ups crying that her stomach hurt so she had two choices (1) go back and do it or (2) go home- she went back out and did it. Here are some picks...I didn't bring the telephoto lens so it was rather hard to see anything, but she's there! Blue shirt and blue and pink shorts.

Friday, June 12, 2009
My little Karate King!
Alex has been in 9 weeks of Karate at his pre-school...and today was his last day. My little man has the summer off and then it's time for the big "K"...I can't believe it. Apparently today was also Alex's Karate test at school! I had no clue that this was a REAL karate program...I thought it was some little thing to occupy the kids...well, I was wrong! The little man came home with a new belt and with the knowledge that he can kick a board and it will break in half! My little karate man! He really does enjoy we will be calling the school to find out if Master Brian has a school somewhere outside the pre-school and if it's not outrageously priced, the little man will be on his way to a black belt! (I can only would be helpful in keeping the boys away from his sister!)
President gives girl a note for teacher
How cool is this? Can you imagine your dad taking you to see the President (and you are missing school to do this) and the President writing your note??? Apparently this little girl skipped school (her dad let her) so she could see him speak. Dad somehow told he president she was missing school and joked around saying "I hope she doesn't get in trouble", that's when President Obama said "Do you want me to write her a note" and proceeded to write her a note saying "To Kennedy's Teacher -- Please excuse Kennedy's absence . . . She's with me. Barack Obama."
Apparently the little girl is copying the note to give to her teacher and she is framing the handwritten note along with her ticket to the event, and she's even going to be on the news! What a lucky little girl!
Apparently the little girl is copying the note to give to her teacher and she is framing the handwritten note along with her ticket to the event, and she's even going to be on the news! What a lucky little girl!
Welcome to the Blogging World Vanessa!
Head on over to I Love Me...I Love Me Not an subscribe to the blog! It's written by a dear friend of mine, Vanessa! It was a bit bumpy getting her off and running with the layout...but she's got it! Like she said, she's usually a year or so behind the curve and the trends...but she's arrived folks! Check her out!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
She lost her tooth!
My dearest most darling little girl finally lost her tooth! That darn thing was hanging on for WEEKS and today at school it finally popped out! Apparently she was rinsing her mouth because she accidentally scraped her tooth with her other teeth and was pretty bloody...well, she started playing with it and *POP* it came out! This is the second tooth she has lost at school! My poor baby! She has no teeth and is having such a hard time eating! She looks so freaking cute though!
Miss Prejean looses her crown
Miss California was fired yesterday for being "combative" and "non-responsive" to her contract duties. Miss California is saying that Keith Lewis was pushing her to do Playboy and "I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here". Keith has been able to produce emails from Carrie demanding that all offers be forwarded to her stating that she knew how Keith was and would pick and choose for her.
What's the real deal? Did she really get fired for not fulfilling her contract duties as Miss California? Did she get fired because she was opposed to gay marriage? I don't care why she was fired, I"m just glad she was. Personally I don't think that she should have used the platform to preach her own debilitating agenda. She has a right to her own views on gay marriage and other controversial issues, however, being Miss California is not the soap box to stand on.
If she wants to take her show on the road and promote "opposite marriage" (which is what, divorce? Cause that's the opposite of marriage....grow a brain chic) that's fine, just dont do it as Miss California. When a woman has a title such as Miss "whatever state" and Miss USA her platform needs to center around the BENEFIT of something...and promoting "opposite marriage" is definitely not a benefit for anyone other than the right wing Bible toting civil rights denying morons in this state.
I am glad she's out. VERY GLAD. The National Organization for Marriage has stood behind her and states in their 1.5 million dollar ad (in which she is PROMINENTLY displayed and an active participant) that "Gay marriage has consequences". What are those consequences? What is the problem? Are the consequences that many of these conservative white people will have to face the fact that this is not an anal retentive country? That we allow love to be just that, LOVE?
To all these bible totters who are on her side (the "anti-opposite marriage side") I leave you with one BIBLE quote, please explain how this is a limiting quote, and where it states that you have to be a man and a woman to qualify.
What's the real deal? Did she really get fired for not fulfilling her contract duties as Miss California? Did she get fired because she was opposed to gay marriage? I don't care why she was fired, I"m just glad she was. Personally I don't think that she should have used the platform to preach her own debilitating agenda. She has a right to her own views on gay marriage and other controversial issues, however, being Miss California is not the soap box to stand on.
If she wants to take her show on the road and promote "opposite marriage" (which is what, divorce? Cause that's the opposite of marriage....grow a brain chic) that's fine, just dont do it as Miss California. When a woman has a title such as Miss "whatever state" and Miss USA her platform needs to center around the BENEFIT of something...and promoting "opposite marriage" is definitely not a benefit for anyone other than the right wing Bible toting civil rights denying morons in this state.
I am glad she's out. VERY GLAD. The National Organization for Marriage has stood behind her and states in their 1.5 million dollar ad (in which she is PROMINENTLY displayed and an active participant) that "Gay marriage has consequences". What are those consequences? What is the problem? Are the consequences that many of these conservative white people will have to face the fact that this is not an anal retentive country? That we allow love to be just that, LOVE?
To all these bible totters who are on her side (the "anti-opposite marriage side") I leave you with one BIBLE quote, please explain how this is a limiting quote, and where it states that you have to be a man and a woman to qualify.
1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,[b] but have not love, I gain nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1COR 13
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I was dreaming about it...
That's what my almost 5 year old boy said this morning when I asked him if he had clean socks. He said "I think they are in my drawer", so we went to the drawer. Much to his dismay there were no socks (right now they are unfolded in the clean clothes hamper) and he said "But I was dreaming about it mom!"
It must be nice to have your dreams encompass socks. If that was all I could dream about life would be great...are the socks clean? Sure, they are in the drawers. And the worst case scenario is that they are not in the drawers, but still waiting to be folded. The life of a easy.
It must be nice to have your dreams encompass socks. If that was all I could dream about life would be great...are the socks clean? Sure, they are in the drawers. And the worst case scenario is that they are not in the drawers, but still waiting to be folded. The life of a easy.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Now it's PERFECT!
Or at least until I want to change it again! LOL! Thank goodness for google and it's abilities to search for answers!
Now its my turn!
This morning I helped Wendy (The Devil Wears Sweat Pants author) fix her blog issues...and thanks to her I got the hankering to mess with my we have an issue. I can't fix my darn header. This totally adorable picture is annoyingly enough sitting to the left of the center column and I am darn ANNOYED! OMG! So...pardon me while I fight with the codes and try to figure this out.
Police Escort!
When you hear those two words your heart may race, you may think "Someone's in trouble!" or "Crap, something bad happened"...however, to a little six year old girl it merely means "Daddy!!!!"...and that's what it meant this morning, DADDY! Since the new location change daddy is only seconds away now! This morning made the girls whole day...Daddy escorted her into the playground! To Daddy's shock this mean adults muttering "Why are the police here" "OMG, the cops are at school"...LOL...all the while the little one was beaming with pride that her daddy in his dark blue uniform with his belt was walking her into her playground.
It makes me so happy to see that my daughter and my husband have such a great bond. I never had that bond with my step-father growing up and because I was denied my biological father until I found him myself...I never had a dad-daughter bond the way my husband and my daughter do. Of all the mistakes I have made in my life, the one great thing I did was fall in love with a man who loves my children as if they are his own! It's amazing to see the kids with him...smiles, hugs, kisses, love is beautiful! Right now we are in the midst of hell brought on by my family...false allegations, lies and evil are swirling around us in their attempt to rip my family apart...and all Hubby and I can do are hunker down and try to buffer the kids and keep them from knowing whats happening (despite my families attempt to make the kids aware of the lies and hate...they are BABIES for crying out loud).
Apparently we are doing a good job...and the joy you can see beaming from their faces proves just that. The girl had a great morning with her police escort and the boy was hooting and hollering as daddy drove by his school on his way to "help the lady"...
There is such evil in the world...and Hubby and I are doing a great job in preventing the children from feeling it. I guess when we said our vows...for better or worse...we really meant it, it's a rather rare thing now-a-days. And it was all brought forth and really reflected on after my daughters police escort this morning!
It makes me so happy to see that my daughter and my husband have such a great bond. I never had that bond with my step-father growing up and because I was denied my biological father until I found him myself...I never had a dad-daughter bond the way my husband and my daughter do. Of all the mistakes I have made in my life, the one great thing I did was fall in love with a man who loves my children as if they are his own! It's amazing to see the kids with him...smiles, hugs, kisses, love is beautiful! Right now we are in the midst of hell brought on by my family...false allegations, lies and evil are swirling around us in their attempt to rip my family apart...and all Hubby and I can do are hunker down and try to buffer the kids and keep them from knowing whats happening (despite my families attempt to make the kids aware of the lies and hate...they are BABIES for crying out loud).
Apparently we are doing a good job...and the joy you can see beaming from their faces proves just that. The girl had a great morning with her police escort and the boy was hooting and hollering as daddy drove by his school on his way to "help the lady"...
There is such evil in the world...and Hubby and I are doing a great job in preventing the children from feeling it. I guess when we said our vows...for better or worse...we really meant it, it's a rather rare thing now-a-days. And it was all brought forth and really reflected on after my daughters police escort this morning!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
brOOzi...internet for children!
I don't know about other parents, but I hawk eye my children when they are playing on line. You never know what sicko can get into a web site and place things that are not appropriate for them. I've been searching FireFox for some kinda net nanny for a while now and just found the PERFECT thing! It's called brOOzi! It places an icon right by the address bar in your FireFox browser. Once the kids click the pink thing (or the parents click it) it pulls up a browser just for the kids...and they can't type in other addresses that aren't allowed for them. You as a parent put in the web sites they can go I just have to figure out how they can navigate from one page to another.
- To go from one page to another they need to pull down the address bar, kinda hard if your child can't read, but it seems that the pages stay in the same order, so they can remember by location...which will eventually become sight reading, a plus to me!
- WebKins doesn't work because of the re-direct that is required to log on.
- To go from one page to another they need to pull down the address bar, kinda hard if your child can't read, but it seems that the pages stay in the same order, so they can remember by location...which will eventually become sight reading, a plus to me!
- WebKins doesn't work because of the re-direct that is required to log on.
In line with National Donut Day
There are apparently national days for all sorts of food...and all fattening crap too! No wonder the majority of our nation is obese and dying from heart attacks and children have diabetes. This really makes me sick! I don't get it. Is it silly or cute? Come on, National Empanada day??? Nutella Day? And get this there is an International Pancake Day...I think people have that confused with the International House of Pancakes. Lets get real people, this is NOT cute! We have ONE month (March) dedicated to Yoga and exercising, but for the other 11 months we can sit around and get fat. Show me that one person who is 150lbs over weight who can do ONE yoga move...can they even sit and cross their legs? Or get into a nice "child's pose"...
*sigh* It makes me sad that our national is going by way of the lazy. Any one see Walle??? That will be the US if we dont start getting people to work out a bit and eat some healthy food!
Here's the link I found of the National "Food" Days.
*sigh* It makes me sad that our national is going by way of the lazy. Any one see Walle??? That will be the US if we dont start getting people to work out a bit and eat some healthy food!
Here's the link I found of the National "Food" Days.
Dino Dig!
While at the great 99cent store the other day I told the kids that if they didn't fight and they behaved they could get a toy...and they were GREAT! So they picked these clay eggs that had hidden dino bones in them with some "excavation" tools. Yesterday was the digging day! They sat for about an hour or an hour and a half digging bones out of these clay was a blast! The hard part was putting the bones together in the end! However, it was educational and the kids had a GREAT TIME!

Friday, June 5, 2009
I'm getting bored with music right now. It seems as if all the hip-hop/pop/rap songs are all the darn same. When I listen to country I can't tell who the heck is who because they all sound the darn same.
If anyone reads this, can you throw some suggestions my way??? Please??
If anyone reads this, can you throw some suggestions my way??? Please??
National Donut Day
Really? Is this why our nation is so damn obese? Lets get real. Where is National DIET day, or better yet, National Lets Eat Healthy Day....
Here's what Wikipedia has to say
They go on to explain the day
So....I guess the day started with good intentions, however, people now a day take it to mean "Lemme shove my face full of bread that is fried and covered in sugar filled frosting"....geeze.
Here's what Wikipedia has to say
National Donut Day is on the first Friday of June each year. The holiday celebrates the doughnut (a.k.a "donut") — an edible, ring-shaped piece of dough which is deep-fried and sweetened. Many American doughnut stores offer free doughnuts on National Doughnut Day. In 2009, both independent doughnut shops[1] and large national franchises offered free doughnuts in the United States.
They go on to explain the day
National Doughnut Day started in 1938 as a fund raiser for the Chicago Salvation Army. Their goal was to help the needy during the Great Depression, and to honor the Salvation Army "Lassies" of World War I, who served doughnuts to soldiers behind the front lines in France.
Soon after the US entrance into WWI in 1917, the Salvation Army sent a fact-finding mission to France. The mission concluded that "huts" that could serve baked goods, provide writing supplies and stamps, and provide a clothes-mending service, would serve the needs of US enlisted men. Six staff members per hut should include four female volunteers who could "mother" the boys.
(The canteens/social centres that were established by the Salvation Army in the United States near army training centers were called "huts".)
About 250 Salvation Army volunteers went to France. Because of the difficulties of providing freshly-baked goods from huts established in abandoned buildings near to the front lines, two Salvation Army volunteers (Ensign Margaret Sheldon and Adjutant Helen Purviance) came up with the idea of providing doughnuts. These are reported to have been an "instant hit", and "soon many soldiers were visiting Salvation Army huts". Margaret Sheldon wrote of one busy day "Today I made 22 pies, 300 doughnuts, 700 cups of coffee."
A legend has spread that the provision of doughnuts to US enlisted men in WWI is the origin of the term doughboy to describe US infantry, but the term was in use as early as the Mexican-American War of 1846-47.
So....I guess the day started with good intentions, however, people now a day take it to mean "Lemme shove my face full of bread that is fried and covered in sugar filled frosting"....geeze.
Ed Hardy Blog!
YAY!!!! I've been searching for a new layout for this thing to make it "newer" and here it is! Ed Hardy Blog! WooooHooo!
Ah, the rain
Or should I be screaming? I hate the rain! You can't do a single darn thing in the rain and I have no motivation to do anything when it's raining! The weekend is here and I wanted to go out and take the kids where do we go? Yes, I'm whining. I hate the rain. I have to apologize cause it's all my fault anyway. The weather knows when I am shopping for summer stuff, and I have been bikini shopping this week...oops, my bad. I'm sorry, I'm apologizing now.
And I didn't know that apologize had just one P...guess my spell checker straightened me out on that one.
And I didn't know that apologize had just one P...guess my spell checker straightened me out on that one.
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