Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sick Kids

Mick usually gets sick once every year ...this year has been hard on her. In April (I think) she got VERY sick at a field trip and was out of school for a week. Alex didn't get it- he's not my sick kid. Poor girl had a nasty fever that wasn't going away. This time around she has a mild fever and is complaining of head aches and ear aches- the urgent care doctor explained that it was more than likely a sinus infection and that was causing the Eustachian tubes in her ears to close in because of pressure and causing the pain. So...she's got medication for the sinus issue.

Alex woke up coughing last night (well this morning at like 5) and has been up with me off and on since. He too has a regular cold and sinus issues and the doctor gave me scrips for them both in case it becomes a bacterial infection.

I thought sick kids were supposed to be lethargic..just wanting to sit and do nothing. Mick follows those rules...but Alex doesn't. Alex gets super hyper and fidgety, he just wants to do SOMETHING instead of lay down and rest. I can't get the darn Wii to work (cause that would be of course it wont work) and he doesn't want to watch cartoons...

That's it, that's my vent. Now I need to clean so the boy child can play least that will keep him busy for a little bit. I need to buy a mouse for their computer so I dont have to share! LOL!

Here's my sick little man!

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