Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lakers Parade

Ok, yay for the Lakers...they won, yada yada yada. I have never been into sports so I can't truly rejoice in overgrown children getting paid sickening amounts of money to play a GAME...I don't get it. They aren't doctors. They aren't saving lives. They aren't teachers promoting the future. They are very lucky, very tall men who have a natural athletic hey, let's pay them tens of MILLIONS a year to play sports all their lives, to sleep around with women and cheat on their wives, to rape women, to commit crimes...and then throw them a parade. Great choices America!

My problem is with the parade. They won a championship, caused riots (second time there have been riots because they've won...are all Lakers fans ghetto idiots or are there some intelligent ones out there? Anyone?) and the city threw them a parade. The first problem was with the funding- who was going to pay for it? There were clean up crews that had to be paid for, the police force (who I know first hand is already understaffed and underfunded for overtime) and of course traffic was gonna be a nightmare! So...people are getting antsy because the city sure as heck can't pay for it- we are forcing city employees to take 26 unpaid furloughs a year and laying off THOUSANDS of them...not to mention there is now rumor that they are either going to stop hiring cops, cut back on the number of cops they hire or they are gonna start laying them off (Hey, those in South East Division, Rampart, Newton, really want LESS cops on your streets- of course I'm talking to the well behaved citizens, not the criminals). So where will the city get the money? Private donations of course!

Somehow, in a matter of DAYS they city amassed over $900,000.00 from private donations. Now I dont know what I am more disgusted by, the donations for a damn PARADE or the stupid fans who act like morons, or the fact that we pay these players tens of millions of dollars! I will just be disgusted by it all! I am sickened by the fact that we can gather nearly $1million dollars to have a celebration of fools, but we can't gather donations (and don't even think about doing it!) to save JOBS! Why can't the great state of California gather a few million to save our teachers? How about that?

What bothers me even more is that we are wanting to celebrate people who play a SPORT and throw them a parade, however, when was the last time one of them did something for one of us? I have NEVER seen a sport player throw a parade for a heroic fan of theirs, have you? Yet we fall all over ourselves to celebrate these men-children who play sports for winning? Isn't that what they are supposed to do? Didn't they just do their job? Why not throw parades for teachers who work in the crime hardened schools who save just ONE child? Oh, that's right, they are doing their job and getting UNDERPAID to do it. They made a career choice that requires their heart and soul...they don't play games...they GUIDE and TEACH and LOVE our future!!! Dang it, I forgot. sum it all up...Angelinos that donated money, those that went and reveled in it (to include those that rioted and those that got arrested at the parade- morons) and those that supported a're all daft. There isn't a brain amongst you! How can you have promoted this parade while next year your children might not have a teacher? Or might be shoved in a class with 40 plus children? Do you think the money for that comes from the sky? No! Not a chance!

When are the citizens of Los Angeles going to grow up?

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