Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ryan's Roses

We all know what Ryan's Roses is...I'm assuming...but for those that don't let me explain. If a woman thinks her man is cheating, she calls Ryan (KISS FM 102.7) and tells her story. If Ryan buys it (or the screener buys it) they give the horrible cheating man a call. Man answers the phone and someone says they are from XYZ (insert name) florist and they are new in town, they are offering to send free roses to anyone free of charge to get their name out there. Of course there's the usual "Do I have to give my credit card number" and "is this really free" crap- but once that's over with they say "Sure! I'll do it"...and here's the truth part...do they send the roses to their wife/girlfriend or do they send them to someone they are cheating with? That's how the woman finds out if she's just a paranoid freak or if her man is really cheating. It's pathetic really...Ryan's Roses has been on air for a while...and these guys don't know? IDIOT! And to be in a relationship where you have to go on a radio show to find out if your significant other is cheating is moronic...where's the trust, communication, anything??? That's be side the point, that's a rant for another day...my problem is this: Who is finding out what WOMEN are cheating? You can flip the script and do this to a woman...who is she gonna send roses to? What can they use to see if she will admit to cheating?

My answer is this---offer a nice dinner out. Call up and say we are from XYZ restaurant and we are offering a lunch/dinner valued at $150 dollars at our restaurant. We are completely new and want to get our name out there. This is free of charge, let us know the date and time and we will make a reservation for you. I think a woman would go for this. If she's cheating, she'll take the lunch and meet her Romeo there on the sly and if she isn't she'll take the dinner and meet her husband there and dress all nice ready for some nookie later----UNTIL (and this happens in Ryan's Roses also) Ryan gets on the line and say "There are no roses, this is Ryan from Ryan's Roses and you are on KISS FM. Your spouse thinks you're cheating. She/He thinks your cheating because (insert reason)..." and now all trust is lost in the relationship because you just blasted them all over southern California.

I don't know why they just pick on men...maybe men are too proud to call in and reveal to SO Cal that they are being cheated on...maybe it's a man thing, who knows. But why just pic on men? Women cheat too--granted we are probably a little smarter and can hide it better...we don't have a lower head to think with! So...any comments? Why do we just pick on the men that cheat? What about the women? Who's gonna pick on them?

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