Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Police Escort!

When you hear those two words your heart may race, you may think "Someone's in trouble!" or "Crap, something bad happened"...however, to a little six year old girl it merely means "Daddy!!!!"...and that's what it meant this morning, DADDY! Since the new location change daddy is only seconds away now! This morning made the girls whole day...Daddy escorted her into the playground! To Daddy's shock this mean adults muttering "Why are the police here" "OMG, the cops are at school"...LOL...all the while the little one was beaming with pride that her daddy in his dark blue uniform with his belt was walking her into her playground.

It makes me so happy to see that my daughter and my husband have such a great bond. I never had that bond with my step-father growing up and because I was denied my biological father until I found him myself...I never had a dad-daughter bond the way my husband and my daughter do. Of all the mistakes I have made in my life, the one great thing I did was fall in love with a man who loves my children as if they are his own! It's amazing to see the kids with him...smiles, hugs, kisses, love is beautiful! Right now we are in the midst of hell brought on by my family...false allegations, lies and evil are swirling around us in their attempt to rip my family apart...and all Hubby and I can do are hunker down and try to buffer the kids and keep them from knowing whats happening (despite my families attempt to make the kids aware of the lies and hate...they are BABIES for crying out loud).

Apparently we are doing a good job...and the joy you can see beaming from their faces proves just that. The girl had a great morning with her police escort and the boy was hooting and hollering as daddy drove by his school on his way to "help the lady"...

There is such evil in the world...and Hubby and I are doing a great job in preventing the children from feeling it. I guess when we said our vows...for better or worse...we really meant it, it's a rather rare thing now-a-days. And it was all brought forth and really reflected on after my daughters police escort this morning!

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