Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back to the books!

Ahhh another term begins. This nine week term stuff is no freaking joke! Let me tell you, quite frankly its hell. However, hard as I may be, the masochist in me is loving every second! I have microbiology and pathophysiology this term around and so far there hasn't been a study day under 6 hours. And I've only covered 2 micro chapters and about 70 pages of patho. In my defense, the micro book is as dry as the sahara and the patho book is probably a doctorate level book, English please.

It will all pay off in the end and until then I'll be taking breaks watching "Trauma, life in the ER" and other med shows for inspiration. Cause baby, I need it right now!!!

Micro study time

Patho study time

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lets Dance...Wii

Yesterday was a great Father's Day (at least I think so)...J and S came over to play and the kids played Lets Dance on the Wii...and lemme tell you, even us adults got jiggy with it and hammed it up and danced around. It was some crazy fun!

After the gym today I went to Target to get the game for the kids (we were playing S's game) and away we went! They've been playing for the last hour or so and are just now taking a break for some lunch. Lemme tell ya, if they play this thing all summer, it's well worth the $30!

Alex didn't wanna play at first last night cause he was having a hard time getting it...and finally when he played we kicked the girl's butts! It was an all around great time! Here is a video of three of the 5 kids who were playing.

Here are pics of the girls after they raided my closet for dress up shoes

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Date Night

John and I often forget about things like date night. It's so important to a marriage (or any relationship really) to check out of your daily "to-do's" and just reconnect. So many couples get so caught up in the day to day grind of life...make breakfast, get the kids to school, go to work, clean the house, do the laundry, walk the dog, make dinner...etc...that they forget cultivating the spark that started the whole fire. I will admit that John and I forget that our relationship has to check out of life's routines and check into US...keep that fire going strong so that we can  get through the daily grind together. John and I feel like we have kids- so we can't just forget about them and move on with life, however, WE are still important as an adult branch to our family. Last night we went out on a "date" something we haven't done in several months and it was freaking FANTASTIC! There were no plans, just an idea of what to do and a "play it by ear" sort of deal. We had sushi for dinner (thanks to two glasses of plum wine, I left dinner feeling extra giddy) and made our way to a local comedy club. We had a blast! It's been over a year since we've gone to a comedy club and we needed the laugh until you wanna barf feeling.

I loved spending quality time with him. The cell phones were down (for the most part) we were talking, laughing, kissing and hugging. it was fantastic! I can't remember the comedians, I can only remember some of the joke...what I do remember is his arm around my chair and sharing a nasty cup of coffee and laughing until we cried. Whispering about people that were in the club with us and laughing about them when the comedian would make fun of them! I love my husband. I am in love with my husband and I can honestly say that he is my best friend. I dont know how I got so lucky to have someone like him- someone who can dream with me, laugh with me, cry with me and make me see the reality of life while at the same time trying to shield me from the nastyness of the world. He is my protector, my lover and my best friend. Thank you for such an awesome date night my love! We must do it again, this time sooner rather than later!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Women make noise during sex to manipulate men

Scientists try to prove that women manipulate men with noises during sex

By Annalee Newitz, Jun 9, 2010 12:40 PM
Why do women make sexy sounds during intercourse? According to a recently-published study, it's to manipulate men. How the heck do you study something like that scientifically? Allow me to explain.

Over at the superlative NCBI ROFL blog, we spotted this gem of a paper from Archives of Sexual Behavior, called Evidence to Suggest that Copulatory Vocalizations in Women Are Not a Reflexive Consequence of Orgasm. To translate, if you'll excuse my slang: Noises That Women Make While Fucking Are Not Uncontrollable Screams In Response To Having Orgasms.

OK, fine. So again, how is this a scientific study? Let's read the abstract for this paper, published last month:

The current studies were conducted in order to investigate the phenomenon of copulatory vocalizations and their relationship to orgasm in women. Data were collected from 71 sexually active heterosexual women (M age = 21.68 years +/- .52) recruited from the local community through opportunity sampling. The studies revealed that orgasm was most frequently reported by women following self-manipulation of the clitoris, manipulation by the partner, oral sex delivered to the woman by a man, and least frequently during vaginal penetration. More detailed examination of responses during intercourse revealed that, while female orgasms were most commonly experienced during foreplay, copulatory vocalizations were reported to be made most often before and simultaneously with male ejaculation. These data together clearly demonstrate a dissociation of the timing of women experiencing orgasm and making copulatory vocalizations and indicate that there is at least an element of these responses that are under conscious control, providing women with an opportunity to manipulate male behavior to their advantage.

Allow me to translate once again, with slang.

A bunch of scientists conducted a series of studies on the noises that women make while having sex, trying to figure out if these noises were caused by orgasm. They studied 71 heterosexual women whose average age was about 21, recruited from the area around the researchers' lab. In the study, our researchers discovered that most women have orgasms from touching their own clitoris, or from oral sex. Most women do not have orgasms during intercourse - usually they have it beforehand, during "foreplay." During intercourse, women made the most noise before and during the time when their male partner had an orgasm. As a result, it was clear to our intrepid researchers that women were making noises during sex EVEN WHEN THEY WEREN'T HAVING ORGASMS. Which the scientists decided must mean that women are making those noises because they CHOOSE to make them, not because they are torn from their throats by the power of orgasm alone. And therefore they determined, using the powers of science, that this means women can "manipulate male behavior to their advantage."

OK, so let me get this straight, my science-loving friends. Somehow the fact that women make noises of pleasure when they aren't having orgasms is manipulative? Apparently it did not occur to these scientists that noises of pleasure can be caused by things other than your own personal orgasm, such as the orgasm of your partner - or eating a yummy piece of chocolate.

Also, I love the way that these researchers assume noises made during orgasm are somehow involuntary and therefore implicitly non-manipulative. Which suggests two things: One, any noise not caused by orgasm is voluntary; and Two, you cannot control the noises you make during orgasm (which means that every time you wank in the bathroom, you're screaming just as loudly as you do with a partner, right?). Basically, the idea is that the only non-manipulative sex noises are caused by orgasm. Any other noise issued from the female is potentially an effort to "manipulate male behavior to their advantage."

I ask you, not entirely sarcastically: What advantage? To make the man have his orgasm faster? To deafen him? To make him want to buy his lady friend a giant, soundproof house where he can have sex without the neighbors hearing anything? Yeah, that must be it. It's a giant female conspiracy to make men soundproof their homes. In fact, all the women in this study turned out to work for a soundproofing company.

To be serious for a moment, here is what the researchers say:

With regard to the reasons females gave for making copulatory vocalization, 66% reported using these to speed up their partner's ejaculation. This was done to relieve discomfort/ pain, boredom, and fatigue in equal proportion, as well as because of time limitations. Importantly, 92% of participants felt very strongly that these vocalizations boosted their partner's self-esteem and 87% reported using them for this purpose.... Further advantages of the female being able to manipulate the presence/absence/timing of the male orgasm may include the reduction of her risk of incurring physical damage from roughness, abrasion, and ensuing infection. One of the effects of female copulatory vocalizations may be to promote male self-esteem, which may strengthen the pairbond, decreases the risk of emotional infidelity and abandonment, resulting in continued access to resources and protection . . . These data were remarkably consistent with findings reported in non-human primates, where, for example, in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) the likelihood of male ejaculation is related to the intensity and speed of female vocalizations during copulation.

And to translate: These scientists think that female humans choose to make noise during sex for the same reason female monkeys do: To make men orgasm faster, to prevent themselves from being injured during sex, and to get "continued access to resources and protection." Again, the best part about this bit of the article is that the authors first report what the women actually say (they want to boost their partner's self-esteem), and then put their own gloss on it, which is that this means the women want the men to give them things (resources and protection). Quite a leap from "making a partner feel good" to "manipulating men into giving things to you."

To paraphrase a great philosopher: "Science. It works, bitches." Except when it doesn't.

Photo by Istvan Csak

This article can be found here:

And was posted by @wtfsexfacts on Twitter

Thursday, June 3, 2010

This zen quote is for you

The drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by violence, but by oft falling.


**This quote was sent to you by a friend using the iPhone app Zen Daily. Click Here to download it.**